10 Things Healthy People DO NOT Have in Their Homes


So, we've already covered the 10 items that healthy people are likely to have in their homes. But what about those things you won't find in their closets and shelves? Let's take a look and see!

1. Junk Food

If you peek into the refrigerator and pantry of a healthy person, you will likely not find a lot of boxed, processed goods. You won't find cans of sugary soda. Diet soda, too, has its own set of unpleasant side effects, like kidney and metabolic issues. And you certainly won't find a well-stocked candy drawer. Avoiding these foods will keep your waistline trim and teeth free from cavities. (See also: 12 Delicious and Healthy Snack Options)

2. Too Many Televisions

Well, healthy people might have one television for occasional entertainment. Typically, though, active individuals don't spend much time sitting on the couch, so there's much less need for multiple tubes. In fact, too much TV has even been linked to unhappiness, with happier folks watching — on average — less than two hours per day. The mood fix is easy: Spend more time out and about with family and friends.

3. Cigarettes

Healthy people don't smoke. It's as simple as that.

We all know the common risks associated with lighting up. But did you know that smoking can put you at a higher risk of developing Alzheimer's disease? It's true. Smoking can also contribute to impotence and lead to blindness, among several other lesser-known risks.

4. Fast Food Bags

Though the meals and quick and cheap, healthy people tend to avoid fast food joints, so you won't find any discarded wrappers or bags in their garbage cans. Instead, these folks choose to make simple, home-cooked meals, even in bulk. (See also: Save Time and Money With a Monthly Assembly (or Bulk) Cooking Weekend)

5. Medicines

Some basic pills and doctor prescriptions are okay, but healthy people generally don't stock their medicine cabinets with lots of, well, medicine.

Many over-the-counter (OTC) pills and potions are made to mask pain, help sleep, or cope with worsening coughs and sniffles. Healthy people deal with sickness or injury proactively by getting regular checkups; using OTCs might prolong an illness or hide its symptoms so it turns into a much bigger issue in the long term.

6. Harsh Cleansers

Whether chemical laden personal care products or house cleaners, healthy people tend to avoid mixes containing certain ingredients like sodium lauryl sulfate, synthetic fragrances or colors, phenols, formaldehyde, solvents, etc. In fact, a lot of people choose to make their own laundry detergents, household cleansers, and. The same goes with products like sunscreen and bug repellant.

7. Plastic Containers

All plastics — even those free from BPA — have been proven to mess with the body's hormones on some level. So, healthy people find ways to keep plastics out of the house. Swap kitchen and drinking containers for glass or metal options. I love storing bulk ingredients in large Ball jars, for example. If you do choose to use some plastic, just be sure to toss takeout containers or anything else (usually labeled with higher numbers) that isn't meant to be reused. (See also: 17 Cheap and Awesome Reusable Replacements for Disposable Products)

8. Fad Diets and Fitness Gadgets

Healthy people don't follow fad diet and exercise regimens. You likely won't find any As Seen on TV items, too-good-to-be-true diet pills and supplements, or quick fix books, or DVDs. Instead, they treat their health and wellness like a whole lifestyle that requires nothing more than good old fashioned motivation and discipline. The basic rules? Eat well. Exercise often. And do everything else in moderation.

9. Sponges

Here's a fun fact: Kitchen sponges are 200,000 times dirtier than the average toilet seat. One bacterium particularly, campylobacter, can even cause paralysis. Healthy people use paper towels or dish rags instead of pushing all that dangerous stuff around.

Since I'm not into spending money on paper, I just buy a pack of cheap washcloths, wipe up my messes, and launder them often.

10. Old Pillows

When is the last time you changed out your pillow? Chances are it's been quite a while. Healthy people top their beds with newer pillows because, over time, pillows can become inhabited by "body moisture, dead skin and drool… dust mites, and fungi." With your pillow resting snugly against your airway (mouth and nose), the health consequences can be many. If you're curious, a pillow's average lifespan is only around 18 months.

Anything we missed that healthy people won't tolerate in their homes? Let us know in the comments!

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Guest's picture

"Kitchen sponges are 200,000 times dirtier than the average toilet seat"

A good item of advice: Eat on a toilet seat.

Just kidding.

Guest's picture

I didn’t know about the kitchen sponges. No. 11 should have been “Dirty shower curtains.” People often do not wash their shower curtains. We have the wrong idea that since it’s hanging on our shower, all the “dirt” will be washed away along with the soap we use. It doesn’t work that way and if you happen to have a bright-colored curtain, you will notice dark spots forming on the edges over time. It is important to wash those curtains in your laundry at least once a month before they can cause rashes on your skin.

Ashley Marcin's picture

Oh! I totally agree -- shower curtains can get quite nasty.

Guest's picture

"a pillow's average lifespan is only around 18 months"?! You used to be able to buy pillows with a 5 year warranty. I realize many things aren't made as well as they used to be but most pillows can be washed in the washing machine. Many machines in the last decade have offered a "sanitary" cycle which heats the water high enough to kill dust mites & deal with the other problems listed. Drying them in the dryer will fluff them up again too. Read your labels - some can't take the heat. If you research living with asthma & allergies, Dr's usually recommend washing the pillows on the sanitary setting about once a season. Much less wasteful and much more frugal than replacing them every 18 months.

Ashley Marcin's picture

This is an excellent suggestion, Sarah. I certainly agree that chucking pillows every 18 months sounds wasteful. I will definitely look into this washing method, though my machine doesn't have a sanitary cycle.