Best Money Tips: Summer Heat


Summer is here, and the time is right... for Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup. Besides the great posts here at Wise Bread, our fellow personal finance bloggers have been hard at work, slaving over the keyboard to bring you the most salient advice on how to save money, build your career, and be an all-around wise consumer.

  • The Simple Dollar provides and AWESOME metaphor for career-building, showing (with pictures!) how to tie together seemingly unrelated skills into a career.
  • Get Rich Slowly has an exhaustive list of investment options for the terminally lazy, and if there is one thing we love, it's a smart way to remain lazy.
  • Pecuniarities brings up something that you might occasionally forget: you can ask to have late fees removed from your bills. The worst that can happen is that your bank or credit card will say no, and you'll snap, and go on a killing rampage.
  • Consumerism Commentary discusses a study that shows that most bankruptcies in the United States are due to outrageous medical bills. Put that in your medical marijuana pipe and smoke it.
  • Frugal Dad makes me seriously nostalgic for my grandmother's stories by pointing out all of the stuff we seriously don't need and that our grandparents lived without.
  • The Nesting Place has a great list of tips for buying and selling stuff at yard sales (via Money Saving Mom). Deal Seeking Mom has some tips exclusively for the buyer at yard sales, including general rules for how much things should cost.
  • The Wallet delves into bucket-budgeting, a method for budgeting for the budget-phobic.
  • Saving Advice describes situations in which living with credit cards may not be the wosrst possible thing you could ever do.
  • Money Under 30 provides ways to save money on wedding and engagement rings (they do not mention finger tattoos).

Have a tip you want us to share in the weekly round-ups? Share them in our forum!



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Andrea, thanks for sharing my post with readers! I enjoyed the other articles as well.

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Thank you for including my post (on getting late fees removed)!

Have a great weekend,
Penelope :)

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LOL, anyone who gets a finger tatoo for a wedding ring is jinxing themselves to divorce (Kathy Griffin, anyone). Removal is a bitch.