Linsey Knerl's blog

Do You Have Your TV Converter Box Yet?

By signing up for the Coupon Program, you can get credit towards the purchase of an eligible converter box and avoid much of the cost of the required upgrade to digital.

Getting Something for Nothing – My $25 from Revolution MoneyExchange

Just when I thought I couldn’t take another online money transfer product, I was introduced to Revolution MoneyExchange. My familiarity and pas

What's the Best Way to Get out of Debt?

Debt is the hottest topic on personal finance blogs around the world. Why? I would venture to guess it is because so many people are drowning in it

Big Savings and Free Shipping Through Monday at Ann Taylor Loft!

Ann Taylor Loft is one of those stores I can spend hours in, but I almost always walk away without a purchase. Why? The products

Pay 1980’s Prices for Today’s Adorable OshKosh Kid’s Clothing!

I remember the first time I picked out my own brand new school clothes. They were made by Oshkosh (or OshKosh B’Gosh at that time), and they were fashionable and

$9 Fares at Spirit Airlines – But is it a Bargain?

Airfare for less than $50 makes me a little giddy, even though I haven’t left the state in over 2 years. So I had to do a double-take on the Red L

Move Over Weight Watchers, the New Pyramid is Here!

I would never dismiss any dieting or nutrition program that really works, and my goal is not to discredit commercial o

6 Ways to Pay Less Money For A College Degree

A four-year college degree can be one of the most expensive purchases in a person’s lifetime. In fact, many hard-working professionals continue to pay for their college education l

7 Great Jobs that Offer College Loan Forgiveness

Paying for a college education can last up to 20 years post-graduation. These seven careers are not only growing in opportunity, but they can som

5 Sleek Marketing Ploys Aimed at Getting More of Your Grocery Money

The cost of food isn’t going down, and for some, it is making the task of feeding a family more painful than ever. It doesn’t help that ad agencies and PR compani

Lots of FREE Eats for Leap Year Babies

Born on the 29th of February? Like FREE food? You’re in

Home Education Curriculum on the Cheap: 10 Ways to Learn for Less

In a recent cost-study I completed, I found that it is possible for American families to spend between $300 and $4325 per year to homeschool a single child.

Make Homemade Dog Food with your Slow-Cooker

Awhile back, I told you how we had gone the way of homemade dog food. It isn’t jus

5 Perfectly Respectable Uses for Instant Mashed Potatoes

Like most people, I can tell the difference between authentic mashed potatoes, made from fresh spuds, and the dehydrated “flakes” that come in a box. This doesn’t mean that you can

Explaining Away the Green M&M

Just in time for Valentine’s Day, the company behind M&M’s has decided to let the urban legend run wild. No longer will the impotent and un

Tips for Perimeter Perusing at Target

In addition to the fantastic finds on the end caps of most aisles of your local Target store, there are fabulous hidden deals to be had for those of us who rea

Should You be Ashamed to be on Public Assistance?

Government assistance such as the Food Stamp Program and cash welfare payments are sticky topics of discussion. What exactly is frugal about us

Sit in on a Class at MIT for Free!

What do John Hopkins, the University of Notre Dame, and Osaka University of Japan have in common? They all offer free access to their online in

Put Together an Advance Directive in an Afternoon

With all the talk about having a will when you die, very few people consider having one for while you’re alive. Living wills, often referred

The Downsizing of an American Dream

I remember the first time my sister’s Barbie went for a ride in her new pink convertible. The trunk was full of new shoes, the coolest outfits,