Paul Michael's blog

10 Lifestyle Changes That Will Always Pay Off

Change is never easy — but the results are almost always worth the effort.

This Simple Negotiating Trick Puts Money in Your Pocket

This simple negotiating tactic can help you earn and save more money — and it can do a whole lot more for you, too.

They Offered You a Promotion and No Pay Raise. Now What?

These days, a shiny new job title doesn't always mean more money. Weigh your options before you accept a promotion without a pay raise.

9 Surprising Uses for Empty Beer and Soda Cans

Don't throw away those empty beverage cans. With a few basic tools and a little imagination, you can put them to all sorts of uses.

Do You Know How Dirty Your Money Is?

You use money often, but have you ever considered what kinds of nasty bacteria are living on its surface? The answer is not for the squeamish.

6 Ways Lust Is Keeping You Poor

It's Valentine's Day and lust is lurking behind the cards and candy. Take those churchy warnings to heart — lust will leave you wanting.

8 Ways a Side Hustle Can Advance Your Career

Your side hustle is more than just a means for spare cash. It can also be a major boost to your main career.

15 Questions You Should Always Ask at the End of a Job Interview

You got the interview. You nailed the questions. Now, it's time to fire back a few questions of your own.

Solving the World's Problems Could Win You Millions

Hey, smarty-pants — the world needs your help! Solve one of these pressing problems, and you could walk away with a hefty prize.

Beware These 6 Phony IRS Calls and Emails

No one particularly likes hearing from the IRS, but we bet you'd enjoy hearing from these tax scammers even less.

8 Warning Signs You're Going to Bomb Your Job Interview

You got a job interview! Now get to work polishing up your professional image before you blow the opportunity.

Almost Half of Job Applicants Make This Same Foolish Mistake

This one silly mistake costs 50% of job applicants the job. Are you making it, too?

10 Things to Bring Up With Your Boss at Your Annual Review

Your annual review is fast approaching. Learn what you should say — and avoid saying — to make the most of this chance to advance your career.

8 Money Moments That Should Be On Everyone's Bucket List

A bucket list doesn't have to be all swimming with dolphins and climbing mountains. Use one to help you make big strides with your money, too.

Jumpstart Your Job Search With Instagram

Instagram is a lot of fun, but it can also be used strategically to help you land your next job. Really!

These 5 Money-Saving Hacks Are a Huge Waste of Time

When you want to save a little cash, money hacks can be great. But, beware. Some are really just swapping a few cents for your valuable time.

8 Reasons Time Is Worth More Than Money

We've all heard people say "time is money." But believe it or not, time is worth so much more.

7 Things a Thanksgiving Turkey Teaches Us About Money

The Thanksgiving turkey — the centerpiece of the table, and a treat that leads to overindulgence. This tasty bird can also teach us a thing or two about money.

8 Credit Repair Mistakes That Will Cost You

So you're ready take on your awful credit score. Be careful — making these false steps could actually do more harm than good.

8 Ways to Deal When You Work With Someone You Hate

Every place you have ever worked will have that one person you cannot stand. How do you deal with them without losing your sanity? Here's how.