Ashley Marcin's blog

7 Easy Ways to Lower Winter Energy Costs

Rising home heating costs are a sure sign winter's almost here. Keep utility costs manageable with these easy home energy efficiency boosts.

15 Fantastic Chalkboard Paint Projects

From party favors to fridge and pantry organizers, these chalkboard paint projects will spiff up your space, and help you remember what's in it!

Here's How You Maximize Fridge and Freezer Space

Americans waste as much as 40% of the food they buy. Do your part to reduce food waste by making the most of your fridge and freezer space.

6 Ways to Make Your Tiny Apartment Feel Like a Castle

Just because your place is tiny doesn't mean it has to feel tiny. Try these design tricks to make your small rooms seem grand.

Boost Your Home's Value With These 5 Projects

What's a bathroom addition worth to you (besides a shorter wait for the shower)? As much as 20% of your home's value!

12 Delicious Slow Cooker Breakfast Ideas for Lazy Cooks

Your slow cooker can work the night shift, too. Try these easy and delicious recipes that cook breakfast while you sleep.

10 Fun and Cheap Storage Solutions for Tiny Apartments

Tiny spaces mean tiny storage and if you've got even a little bit of stuff, it's everywhere. Keep it out of sight with these clever storage ideas.

12 Easy Squash Recipes for Fall

What makes Fall the best season of all? The food! Turn your big Fall squash haul into these easy and delicious sides and mains.

20 Simple and Cheap Halloween Costumes for Kids

It's easy to get caught up in Halloween and become frustrated when a complicated costume goes wrong. Skip all that and go for simple and fun, instead.

15 Savvy Tips for a Smoother Move

Moving from one home to another is never easy, but you can make it easier with some smart organization and some clever packing hacks.

20 Ways to Entertain Your Kids for Free

Mom! Dad! I'm bored! Not anymore with this list of fun — and free — games and activities that will entertain everybody.

10 Ways to Save Cash by Purging Your Place of Plastics

If your home is like most, it is filled with plastics. Start replacing with longer lasting — and often more economical — substitutes.

10 Things You Don't Actually Need to Buy for Your New Baby (Plus 5 You Must)

It's tempting to fill up a baby registry with all sorts of newborn gear. Resist the urge and focus on stuff you'll really use.

15 Easy, Mouthwatering Slow Cooker Dessert Recipes

Slow cookers do dessert, too? As conveniently and deliciously as they cook everything else. The only downside of these recipes is the wait.

The Easy Way to Set an Allowance That Won't Ruin Your Kid

Setting an allowance is complicated — you're teaching money values that will last a lifetime. Here's what to consider before you hand it over.

10 Amazing Veggie Burgers to Make Tonight

Store bought veggie burgers aren't very frugal (and not very delicious). Make your own at home for a cheaper and tastier alternative.

8 Essential Pieces for Your Capsule Wardrobe

Lucky day! Capsule wardrobes are on trend again, which is great for closets and budgets. Start stocking your minimal collection with these smart basics.

12 Ideas for Cheap, Festive, Fall Decor

Fall has… fallen again... and that means festive decor. Make your home fit for the season with these fun, frugal fall projects.

Take These 10 Items off Your Wedding Registry Immediately (Plus 5 to Add ASAP)

China and silverware are traditional registry items — but who ever uses it? Make your registry personal by replacing traditional with "right-for-you."

10 Delicious Freeze-Ahead Dinners for Busy Fall Weeknights

Make dinner in a jiffy with these easy, freeze ahead meals. Just thaw, cook, and eat. Cleanup is a snap, too!