Kentin Waits's blog

Save Money and Water With These 6 Clever Landscaping Hacks

If you've been eyeing your neighbor's perfectly landscaped lawn, try some of these strategies to create a low-cost outdoor oasis.

Growin' Home: How Much House Do You Really Need?

Our houses are getting bigger, but what about our needs? If you're ready to build or buy a new home, maybe it's time to decide how much is too much.

Finding a Starter Home That's Also a Forever Home

Why can't your starter home be your forever home, too? Here's how to make sure what you buy today will work for you tomorrow.

5 Signs the House You Want to Buy Is a Money Pit

Ready to dive into home ownership? Look beyond appearances to spot potentially serious — and expensive — repair and maintenance needs.

12 Ways a Deep Declutter Can Improve Your Life

Too much stuff getting in your way and getting you down? Part cleaning and part therapy, deep decluttering clears ours heads while it clears out space.

7 Financial Must Haves for the First-Time Home Buyer

Making the leap into homeownership for the first time? Before you buy, make sure you've covered these seven financial basics.

Frugality and the Myth of Self-Denial

Contrary to popular opinion, frugality isn't all about self-denial. Discover how little luxuries can help keep you frugal.

Essential Money Lessons for Recent Grads

Learning the ins and out of managing money can be daunting, especially for young adults. Master these financial fundamentals to get off to a good start.

From Fine to Fabulous: 7 Ways to Improve Your eBay Business

Online auction site eBay has matured, but it's still a great way for savvy sellers to earn extra income. Take advantage of the site with these seven tips.

Why I Love Lists

Need to get something done, feel productive, or just get focused? Make a list!

12 DIY Ideas for Creating Inexpensive Art

Art doesn't have to be high-brow -- or expensive -- to wow. Channel your inner creative, keep your home decor budget, and fill your rooms with art.

Evolve Your Money Management Beyond the Budget

Budgeting can be complicated, tedious, and inflexible. But for some, there's a simpler, more reliable way to accomplish the same thing.

Big Lessons From the Tiny House Movement

Imagine life without a mortgage or an overstuffed attic. Even if we don't live in one, tiny houses can teach us a lot about consumption, debt, and simplicity.

How to Negotiate With Confidence and Strike the Best Deal

Intimated by the thought of negotiating? Frazzled by haggling? Here are some tips to help you relax, enjoy the process, and score better deals.

5 Questions to Ask Before You Buy a Used Car

If you're in the market for good used car, here are five essential questions to ask yourself before you step on the lot or respond to the ad.

Frugal Factors: What Traits Do Most Savers Share?

We're all individuals, each with our own reasons for living frugally — but we're alike in some very important ways.

10 Inexpensive Spring Spruce-Up Ideas for Your Home

Are you ready for some spring redecorating...but your wallet isn't? Don't worry! You can spruce up your space with these 10 budget-friendly DIY ideas.

Is Building an Emergency Fund Always a Good Idea?

We often hear the same advice — everyone needs to have an emergency fund. But, in some situations, it might be OK to skip it.

The 5 Best Deals in Every Thrift Store

Not all thrift stores are created equal — but if you look for these five things, you'll almost always find a good deal.

Your Saving Habits Make You a Revolutionary

Feeling like saving money puts you at odds with most of society? These statistics suggest you may be correct — and better off.