Mikey Rox's blog

11 Truths About Good Personal Finance

Many people ignore these important financial truths, costing them thousands of dollars a year. Are you one of them?

4 Reasons Why You Don't Have Financial Common Sense (and How to Get It)

Personal finance isn't that complicated — spend less than you earn and save for emergencies and future goals. So why do so many of us struggle with it?

10 Dumb Habits That Are Keeping You From Earning More Money

Career stalled? Income lagging? Sit up straight and read on to see if you're committing any of these income-sapping bad habits.

Watch Out for These 4 Sneaky Charges on Your Monthly Bills

Some businesses will try to slip unfair fees onto your bill. Watch for these extras on your statements to be certain you're only paying what you owe.

10 Financial Mistakes to Stop Making in 2014

If you didn't reach all of your financial goals for 2013, put the past behind you and make 2014 the year you stop making the same old financial mistakes.

5 Simple Ways to Fight Burnout

For most of us, we've got too many responsibilities to let burnout and disinterest sap our performance and productivity. So don't.

10 Things You Didn't Know You Could Buy in Bulk

You know buying in bulk is a great way to save. From meat to paint, go beyond warehouse store basics with this collection of bulk buy surprises.

15 Easy-to-Pack, Delicious, and Cheap Airline Snacks

Be prepared for flight delays, and keep your blood sugar — and your mood — in good shape with one of these delicious snacks that travel well.

14 Great Dishes You Can Make in the Microwave

Your microwave really can do more than pop popcorn and nuke leftovers. Challenge your appliance with these delicious, easy, and (of course) quick recipes.

5 Types of People Who Can't Avoid Debt

Some people just can't avoid falling into debt — and staying there. Are you one of them?

7 Financial Moves You Must Make in 2014

Don't simply resolve to make these smart money moves in the coming year — actually take action!

10 Small Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Finances

You have a steady job, and you think you have your finances in control — what could go wrong? Lots, if any of these minor mistakes trip you up.

10 Habits of Financially Happy People

What's the secret to financial happiness? If you answered "More Money," guess again.

10 Ways Nice People Can Get Ahead

Ever feel like success is reserved for those with sharp elbows — and sharper tongues? Consider these reasons why being nice person will help you come out first.

10 Fun Ways to Wrap the Gift of Cash

Almost everybody enjoys the gift of cash, but a thin envelope isn't much fun to unwrap. Make your next cash gift thoughtful (and fun!) with these clever cash packing ideas.

10 Worst Ways to Pay Off Your Credit Card Debt

Paying off credit card or revolving debt is one of the smartest things you can do to improve your finances. That is, unless you pay it off using one of these methods.

5 Easy Ways to Take Better Care of Your Back

Back pain can make even the simplest tasks painful and difficult. Keep your back healthy and pain free with these simple health and fitness tricks.

10 Great Reasons to Drink Wine

Wine's great taste is reason enough to drink a glass or two. But if you need more to justify that drink, consider these 10 health benefits.

25 Ways to Make Yourself Smarter — Today!

It may take years to master a subject or skill, but that doesn't mean you can't learn something new in a hurry. Read on to learn more about... learning more!

13 Ways to Come Out of Christmas With a Healthier Savings Account

The holidays are tough on the budget and on savings. Come out ahead this year with these creative income boosts and cost cutters.