
Free Databases and Manuals at Public Libraries

Your library's online portal is filled with valuable resources that could save time and money. Free car repair manuals, do-it-yourself roof repair guides and language lessons are a

The 7 Rules of Budget Travel

Want to save money and protect the environment while on vacation? Get eco-friendly and genuine travel experiences by following these 7 rules of budget travel.

Wage slave, debt slave

This article has its roots in an article I wrote some time ago that used the terms wage slave and debt peonage—terms that some people objected to. Those making free choices aren't

Does A Dollar Buy What it Did a Year Ago? (Answer to win $10)

Does a dollar buy the same things it did a year ago? Share your experiences to be entered to win $10 in our Trivia Tuesday giveaway!

New Home Loan Rules Will Take Effect on July 30, 2009

If you are in the process of buying a new primary residence or second home, or considering refinancing a loan, a new set of federal consumer protection rules taking effect on July

30 Household Products Vinegar Can Replace

Vinegar has at least 30 uses that make it a viable alternative to many household and personal products. Save money — the natural way, with vinegar.

6 Weird Things People Sell for Cash

When the recession began to really hit home, there was plenty of chatter about selling your plasma, undergoing paid medical tests, and even cutting off your lovely locks for a prof

How I'm Conquering My Bag Lady Fears: My 10-Step Program

What keeps me up late at night? I worry about becoming a bag lady. And I have plenty of company; a lot of women (and some men also)have secret fears about living on the streets wit

Will "forced frugality" last?

Lately I have been hearing about the concept of "forced frugality" from the media and my peers. Many colleagues and family members say that they feel a need to be frugal in this

How I Averted an Emotional Spending Binge: My Six-Step Program

When you're tired or feeling blue it is easy to fall prey to emotional spending. Here's my six-point strategy for avoiding frivolous spending when you are at your most vulnerable.

Best Money Tips: Cold Shower Edition

This week in Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup: love your money, keep it cool, ignore your mother's advice, savagely murder your debt in its sleep, stop eating so much in the

Location Independent Career Basics

WA location independent career is your ticket to workplace freedom. We’ll look at the basic qualities (good and bad) of a location independent career.

15 Low Cost Ways to Beat Stress

Emotional spending and expensive junk food binges -- budget busters -- are often triggered by stress. Here are 15 ideas for diminishing stress without spending a lot of money.

Save a Bundle on Your Groceries: Consider Your Local Asian Market

Despite the coupons and the special offers, the major supermarket chains are not cheap. You find a deal now and then, but on the whole they really don’t give you great value for mo

Watch Out for Surge in CPI

Just to be clear, I'm also worried about a surge in inflation, but that's not what I'm talking about here. I don't know the future, so I try to stay away from predictions. But yo

Which Baby Products are a Waste of Money?

My husband and I are expecting a little baby boy this Halloween. Right now I am in the process of researching which baby products are necessary and which are a waste of money. He

No Limit, No Interest: What’s the Deal with Charge Cards?

Charge cards, like their credit card cousins, allow cardholders to use plastic cards to make purchases and then pay at the end of a settlement period, typically on a monthly basis. [more]

Food, Inc. and the Origins of Your Food: 3 Reasons to Remain Ignorant (Plus Free Movie Screenings)

Food, Inc., a movie detailing the origins and production of food, came to theaters last month. While I'm glad I've become more knowledgeable about food, in light of Food, Inc.'s re

Mommy I'm Bored: 25 Frugal Ways to Beat Summer Boredom

My 9-year-old daughter does not start camp until later this month. This means I have to entertain her or endure a steady chorus of: Mommy, I'm Bored! Here's what we're doing to cu

What Does the Word "Recession" Mean to You? (Answer for a Chance to Win $10!)

Economists have it defined. News anchors provide ample commentary on what it is and how it affects us. But what about the "real" people living in today's economy? Do they "feel"