
Welcome TIME Magazine Readers!

We are so excited to be mentioned in the most recent print issue of TIME magazine. Readers looking here for blog posts by myself or our other bloggers will find that we have a wid

Make Loyalty Shopping More Efficient with

Have you ever gone to the grocery store and tried to sort through the ten different loyalty cards on your key ring? Just the other day, my cashier who was an elderly woman nearly s

Suze Orman Tells Us To Pay ONLY The Minimum On Credit Cards. Wait, What?!

You’re not seeing things. This is not an April Fool’s gag (although if I’d written this last year it would have been). No, this is Suze Orman’s latest advice and it is a complete 1

Medical Tourism 101: Listen Live for Big Savings

Have you ever wondered what the phrase “medical tourism” really meant? Are you looking for ways to cut back on healthcare costs (both at home and abroad)? We chat candidly with A

Translating Volunteer Experiences to Workplace Credentials

Need ideas for parlaying volunteer hours into skills and experiences valued by employers? Even if you haven’t received a paycheck in exchange for creative ideas, event planning, or

Retirement accounts and money to spend

Everybody knows that retirement accounts like 401(k)s and IRAs offer great tax advantages (and once upon a time--and maybe again someday--a corporate match). But people who have p

How (and Why) to Buy Life Insurance

Buying Life Insurance seems to be one of those “I’ve finally grown up, I guess I need life insurance” sorts of decisions you make. It often comes into play when you buy a house, ge

Confessions of a Minimalist: 9 Reasons I Miss My Stuff

I believe in having less stuff, but I'm beginning to miss all the old stuff that I had. I've spent some time trying to figure out why.

What Does “YMMV” Mean? The Official Guide to Decoding the Language of Frugality

You don’t have to browse the forums at hot savings sites very long to notice that super-shoppers have their own lingo. Before you let terms like “FAR” and “peelies” scare you away

Swoopo - great auction deals or great scam?

Today I stumbled upon a site called Swoopo. It is touted as a new auction site that combines shopping with entertainment. I took a quick look and it seemed like many items were s

How To Turn a 2-liter Bottle Of Water Into a 50-Watt Lightbulb

It's not often I'm taken aback by the simplicity and power of an invention, but this one does it for me. It's cheap, anyone can make one and it literally changes lives. Welcome to

Look, But Don’t Touch: Avoid Marketing Manipulation

When it comes to shopping, touching an item may in fact encourage consumers to purchase things they hadn’t intended on buying in the first place.

6 Solid Online Resources to Help You Find a Job

When job searching, those who have access to the best tools can keep their advantage in a tough market. Here are my favorite 6 online resources designed to help you find a job.

How to recognize and answer illegal interview questions

In the United States job seekers are protected by a myriad of anti-discrimination laws. Despite these laws many potential employers still want employees that fit a narrow profile

How to Combat Economic Fatigue

Tough economic times take a toll on our sleep patterns, which adversely affect all other aspects of our lives, but it doesn't have to be this way.

Bamboozled! The 4 Ways that Bamboo Products May Not be All That “Green”

We’ve all been there. Bopping down the aisles of your local home furnishings retailer and seeing all the “earth-friendly” products and tools that claim to be “sustainable.” Many o

If You Won The Lottery, You Would...

What would you do if you had all the money you needed for you, your children, your children's children, and so on? Would you drop everything and retire or would you keep working? I

Best Money Tips: Sarcasm-Free Edition

Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! This week, we have some of the best personal finance posts from around the web, completely and utterly without any snarky commen

It takes a frugal spouse to make a frugal home

Something of an exaggeration, of course—a one-person household can be very frugal. But there's an underlying truth: A household is only as frugal as its least-frugal member.

How to Survive (And Perhaps Thrive) On a Teacher's Salary

In today’s economic climate, many people would be grateful to have any kind of salary, but it’s a fact that many teachers and other service professionals have always been strugglin