
How to find the cheapest college textbooks

I’m not in college any more, thank goodness, but I remember every penny-pinching moment. Some days I hardly had enough money for food, mainly because the materials and textbooks I

DIY Entertainment--A Recipe for the Recession

Live in one of those godforsaken next to the highway hamlets? Pining for a night out on the town but can't afford it? Don't sit home. DIY your own entertainment and bring some liv

Hands in Your Pocket: The Cost of Standby Power - Environmental and Otherwise

Go check your electricity meter box. Is the wheel turning and clicking over, recording your power usage? Probably. Now go back inside, and turn everything off. The lights, the coff

Details of Obama's mortgage plan released - Will you benefit?

Today the Obama administration officially released the final details of the mortgage plan that was announced a few weeks ago. Here is a quick summary on what is in the plan and h

Armor Etch can be a cheap fix for your scratched eyeglasses

Have you heard the rumor that goes, "Did you know Armour Etch can fix eyeglass scratches?" I had to see (ha!) if it was true for myself. Read on to find out what happened...

Scams: What the FTC Wants You to Know

Consumer scams are a dime a dozen (or in some cases, thousands of dollars a crime). What are the red flags that you should always be on alert for? Can even financially savvy spen

Oprah Asks A Great Question; What Can You Live Without?

My wife brought this to my attention. I’m not an avid Oprah viewer, but usually when I tune in I hear good advice. And with the help of financial guru Suze Orman, she’s asking fami

Eat Dessert, Save!

Are you skipping dessert because it just costs too much, either in money, time, or calories? Skip no more! Read on for ideas to make dessert easy, affordable, and healthier than ev

The Gettin'-Baptized-in-the-Watah Epiphany

In an average week, an average chunky-blooded professional American could easily spend up to $140 on a combination of drinks that come with meals such as morning coffee, herbal tea

Beware of Pretty Things: 4 Reasons I’m Keeping My Ugly, Old Stuff

Last night I strolled through the furniture showroom with my jaw unhinged and my heart thumping: “Look at all this good-looking stuff!” After some careful consideration th

Philip Brewer's fiction

This post won't go up on the front page at Wise Bread; only people who subscribe to my posts via the RSS feed or email should see it. Even for you guys, I'll keep it short, becaus

Did your car break down? Check for recalled parts and fix it for free!

I drive a ten year old car and it has been out of warranty for quite a while. Over the years I have received recall notices in the mail for various parts of the car and got fixes

Using PAPER Coupons When You Order Online

Even if you live the all-digital lifestyle, don't put away those scissors yet. Some Web sites are now taking manufacturers' coupons.

That "What if you knew you were going to die" question

You've no doubt seen the question in many different forms. Sometimes it's, "What would you do if you learned you were going to die tomorrow?" Other times it's "What would you do

Credit Scores Across the Country: Which Third are You In? recently released a report that concluded about a third of consumer's credit scores have increased (that's good) during a period of October 2008 until January 2009.

Book review: Wabi Sabi Simple

I think so. To me, living large is about the breadth and width of my life, not about how high I can pile up stuff. If that is how you want to live large, you'll find a lot of

What should you do when you are asked to repay an overpayment of severance?

TechCrunch recently reported that the software giant Microsoft made mistakes on the severances it paid to its laid off workers. As a result, Microsoft sent out letters to an unknow

101 Tax deductions for bloggers and freelancers

Anyone here like doing taxes? Didn’t think so. We all have to do them; we all have to pay money to Uncle Sam (although some get away with paying much less than others). But as

What frugal lessons can we learn from the demoscene?

The "demoscene" loosely refers to an underground computer art movement where the emphasis is on creating amazing-but-compact demonstrations — hence the name. What can its evolution

Cheap Decorating: Three Simple Hacks for Style on a Dime

Going for an affordable little spruce up? Not wanting to spend an entire weekend sanding down Grandma's old bureau? Here are three easy and cheap decorating ideas to add unexpected