
So you bought an HD DVD player. Now what?

It’s gone. HD DVD lost the war, Blu-Ray is the winner. Toshiba has admitted defeat and will discontinue all of its HD DVD products. No more players, no more recorders, no more disc

You can be as happy as a Dane

Studies regularly find that Danish people are the happiest people in the world. At first glance, it looks like the conditions that make them that way aren't really available t

Longtime Mac Users Punished for Loyalty

I've watched other Mac lovers fall away from the True Faith, one-by-one, but I never thought it would happen to me. However, yesterday when we brought home the newest addition

Vision Boards: Dream Big, Play with Pictures, and Watch your Life Change

Here's a fun exercise the whole family can enjoy in creating your future by playing with pictures.

Keeping The Budget In Budget Travel

To save money for your vacation you crafted a detailed budget and stuck to it. Now, with your bags packed and ticket in hand, you are ready to put all the of preparation and planni

Safeway Savings Rally - How I got 9 bags of groceries for $13

Right now Safeway is having an event called Savings Rally which lasts until February 26th. The deal is that you get a dollar off coupon for buying a number of items off a list of

Manage your fixed expenses

When you think of people ruining their lives with foolish spending, it's easy to focus on the little things that add up--the meals out, the hefty bar tab, the daily Starbucks habit

Killin 'em Out There: The School Clothes Conundrum

How do you break the cycle when social engineering and personal spending habits that are as unique as your genetic coding, are emptying your pockets?

What Can You Do With Unwanted Gift Cards?

In my house we try to spend gift cards as soon as possible because the longer they are held the less purchasing power they have. Sometimes there are just cards you are not interest

Can you guess what’s in the box?

Here’s a little help. It takes two people to lift and carry the box. It measures 47.2 inches in length, 35.4 inches in height and 31.5 inches in width. It's from Europe. Oh, an

Business Succession Planning Part 3: Using Disability Insurance to Protect your Business Interest

So buy now you have a shareholder's agreement in place, and it has been funded properly with Life Insurance. But what happens if an owner becomes disabled? It could mean bad new

5 Perfectly Respectable Uses for Instant Mashed Potatoes

Like most people, I can tell the difference between authentic mashed potatoes, made from fresh spuds, and the dehydrated “flakes” that come in a box. This doesn’t mean that you can

Papa Murphy’s update: nice save.

As some of you are aware, I experienced the wait of all waits at Papa Murphy’s recently. Over one hour for a phone order, which left me fuming (partly at my own politeness for not

Introducing an Amazing Suite of Web Tools for Creative People

Are you an artist at heart and love to dabble with photography and videos? Do you find that Photoshop and video editing tools are too expensive and cumbersome to use? Well, now t

Bankruptcy is a good thing

I don't mean that declaring bankruptcy is a good thing--obviously that sucks for everyone involved. But a system of bankruptcy is a good thing. It's good for creditors an

Take back St. Valentine’s Day from Hallmark and Hershey’s.

Today is St. Valentine’s Day. Delivery vans filled with flowers are passing each other on the highways; the supermarket aisles filled with pink and red cards are chock full of men

Stretching Meals for Unexpected Guests

I think I’ve lucked out — plenty of my friends live in my immediate vicinity. One even lives in the next apartment building over. This does mean, however, that people are in the ha

Mommy, Where Do Stocks Come From?

"Mommy, where do stocks come from?" I guess you could say that a stock starts with an idea or a gleam in a business owner's eye...

Doing without is often better than making do

For anything you might buy there are almost limitless choices. For purposes of argument, I'd like to group them into three categories: You can buy the best; you can buy some

“If you've got an area of excellence…rich can be arranged.”

That’s part of a quote from a great Martin Scorcese movie – The Color Of Money. Certainly not in my top 10, it has Tom Cruise in it after all, but it had some sparkling dialogue fr