
3 Step Strategy To Airfare Deals

I am going to come out and say it: there are no secrets to finding a bargain ticket every time you fly. However, by understanding how the system works, you can develop a deal findi

Raise your standard of living by focusing your spending

Are you tired of reading the same frugality suggestions? I'm talking about the repeated exhortations to eat out less, turn off your cable, and stop buying expensive coffee dri

7 Tips for Streamlining Your Shopping List

I have a long-standing dislike of grocery shopping. Pushing a cart around a store is not one of the ways I amuse myself. I've found that because of my attempts to get in and ou

Wills: The Basics

It's not all about money and cash grabs in making a will: issues like guardians for your children, protection of assets and belongings, and saving income tax are things that ca

25 Things I Don't Want to Regret Once I Retire...

I met with an elderly couple today in their home to execute some planning documents. While neither of them ever had jobs as professionals and neither inherited any money from fa

Walking Into The Spirit of Travel

Travel allows you to escape your mundane surroundings and see the world from a new perspective. Unfortunately, the cost and time commitment makes frequent trips impossible for most

Tips for Joining an Excellent Startup Company

So you want to be one of the first employees at the next Google? Read on for some tips to finding a great startup company to join and have a glance into the startup culture

GYM Class: THE DIY, DIFNF Thesis

If you know that you aren't going to be able to work out more than three times a week, if you have a fitness center in your apartment complex or if you're self-motivated an

More than just inflation

With prices up, price statistics that look preposterous to anyone who shops, and the Fed trying to thread the needle of preventing a recession without letting inflation run out of

Farecast your Flights for Big Savings

Does searching for the cheapest flight online sap away at your will to live? Are you as confused as I am by the numerous discrepancies found among all the "guaranteed cheapest

Debunking Common Estate Planning Myths

Given the tens of millions of Americans nearing the Golden Years, the fields of retirement and estate planning are expanding by leaps and bounds. Along with the growth of work f

New Ideas for the Chopstick

In China alone, an estimated 45 billion pairs of disposable chopsticks are used and thrown away every year. This equals the wood from 25 millio

Know Something? Save Time And Tuition

Are you experienced, workshop-educated, community-involved, and/or moderately-traveled and still working toward your bachelor’s degree? Write it down! You may be able to trade a no

Thinking Inside the “Little White Receipt Box”

One box + Lots of Receipts = Financial Responsibility for this blogger!

Avoid speed-trap tickets with a radar & laser detector - Under $30

I know I am going to get a bunch of negative feedback on this one so let me put those issues on the table immediately. This article is NOT intended to help people speed

How to live with inflation

Of the various ills the economy can face, inflation is simultaneously the worst for society as a whole, and yet the easiest for individuals to deal with successfully. The strategi

Three Kids' DIY Projects In Your Pantry

It’s turning into quite the snow day here in Maryland, so I pulled out all of my “keep kids amused and out of trouble” recipes, to share with parents who are facing cooped up kiddo

Frequent Flyer Junkie? Manage your Miles Here

It's a daunting world of rewards programs out there. From frequent flyer miles with every major airline, to hotel reward programs, to individual store loyalty plans, not

Why “PayDay” Loans from Uncle Sam Just Aren’t Worth It

Many of you may remember my recent admission to being a former p

Five Interview Lessons Learned from Horrible Interviews

Have you wondered why you were rejected from a job even though you felt like you had all the skills to do the job?  Do you want to improve your chances at getting the job you wa