
Can the government help in a recession?

Recessions spread. A minor downturn in one business spreads to its suppliers and then to their suppliers. Workers are laid off (or simply fear that they will be) and buy less, sp

Impulse Shopping: A Controllable Handicap

A friend of mine has a pathological weakness for impulse shopping. But using the techniques outlined here, she dug herself out of debt and into impulse shopping bliss.

5 Ways to Dodge Peer Pressure to Spend

How do you resist the urge to spend money when you're with less-than-frugal friends? 5 tips inside.

I Got Duped! Dealing With Credit Card and Merchant Disputes

So you bought an awesome thing-a-ma-jiggy or service with your credit card. But when you got it home you discovered the item doesn't work, the service was a heist, or the

Make Your Own Moon Sand, Dirt Cheap

While moon sand is certainly not a bank-breaker, it is costly for what is basically wet sand. So, I did a little digging and discovered a way to make your very own moon sand.

You're a Chump if you Pay Full Price for That

Couponing and bargain shopping are not for everyone. It takes some time to clip the coupons, organize them, and keep track of sales at all of your favorite stores. But since I'

Free Prescription Drugs for Those Who Qualify

Prescription drugs are expensive. While generics do offer some relief, if you have to have several filled, your pharmacy bill can add up fast.

How to Buy All That Stuff the Police Seize. And It's Cheap.

Here's a terrific site that lets you bid on all sorts of great stuff at silly prices.

Reusing Your Christmas Cards

What if there was a way to honor the beauty and intentions behind your received Christmas cards, while at the same time allowing you to get rid of the darned things without guilt?

Holiday Lessons Learned: Advice To Avoid Rip-Offs NYC

This holiday season has been rough for me. I moved out to New York for a few months and thought I'd be set with my savings and supplementary, lucrative temp work. However, at t

Preparing for a Recession

Find out what, exactly, is a recession and what you can do to prepare for it.

Stop Calling Me! How to Avoid Telemarketers

Are you tired of dinner getting cold while waiting for a telemarketer to pause long enough for you to say you're not interested? Stop the calls dead in their tracks with some h

Cheapskate on Board

Living on less can be funny, but it's not a joke. It's the only financial advice that will work for almost everyone, and it might

Many Happy Returns: 5 Tips for Getting What You Really Want This Holiday

Sadly, a recent poll by Inside Indiana Business reports that 13 percent of consumer

Last-Minute Giving

Here’s a gift idea that will help put you in the holiday spirit. It will not help you mark “done” on your gift list but may save a life. If you’re feeling well today, have mailed a

Six Boneless Dishes for the Hot Wing Crowd

The holidays are some of the best times to eat party foods, including those that get served up at your local happy hou

Credit Card Fees: Hidden and Otherwise

Annual fees, grace periods, balance transfer options…it's a wonderful world of credit card jargon out there, and depending on your needs and planned u

Swipe envy

All the cool kids have credit cards. What if you don't? What if you are so young, so poor, so uncool that you can't get one? Do you have to stoop to paying for your food

Getting more for your money in the most unexpected place

I often get on my soap-box about bad customer service. I also preach (sorry) that you should all expect more for your money, be it shopping online or grabbing the weekly groceries.