
eBay Account Hackers - don't be fooled

I'm not the type to fall for scams, generally. Thus far, I've never been really screwed over on eBay or anything. But I can totally see how people COULD fall for an eBay scammer. [more]

Broken down? Turn your pencil into a flashlight.

If there's one thing I know about travel, it's be prepared. But it's sometimes easier said than done. We all know we should carry emergency supplies in the trunk of the car, and one of those essentials is a flashlight. [more]

Gourmet Pizza for Less than a Buck

 I’m a pizza fanatic. I will never turn it down. Ever. While living in Omaha, I looked forward to lunches with m

How to Brown Bag it With Style

Finding time to pack your lunch for work each day can feel pretty overwhelming. Trying to be creative about it can be even more frustrating. Following are several categories of sug

Voluntary simplicity versus poverty

The first person I met who practiced voluntary simplicity didn't call it that, and I didn't understand what she was doing until many years later. [more]

Are You Ready for Home Ownership?

My husband and I just moved to the Great Northwest, and we batted around the idea of purchasing our first home. [more]

Stock Investing Online: ShareBuilder vs. Discount Brokerage

Are you eager to get started in stock-market investing but want to take it slow and easy at first? [more]

Feeling patriotic? Grab a free National Guard t-shirt.

A quick free offer for you folks. No shipping, no tax, just a completely free t-shirt from your one-and-only Army National Guard. [more]

Did Office Max hire an accountant with an I.Q. of 62?

I think I may be losing my grip on reality. Recently I received four coupons in the mail from my local Office Max. Two coupons were for $10 off a purchase of $10. [more]

They're turning Paris Hilton's trash into cash.

There's a new website in town folks, and this one is literally scraping the bottom of the barrel. has hit upon an idea that turns dumpster diving into someth

Cleaning House With Dr. Bronner

A few years ago, I noticed that, not only did I seem to spend a little more cash than I was comfortable with on cleaning products for my house, but I was having a sort of reaction to them: he [more]

Why Treasury Bills Are Always a Worthwhile Investment

When rates are rising, you need something that responds quickly to changes in the market. That's where Treasury bills come in.

Is the New OTC “Alli” Just Money Down the Toilet?

Who couldn’t lose a few pounds? [more]

Link-Love Makes the World Go 'Round

In keeping with the warm and fuzzy feeling that Wisebread gives many of its writers and readers, I am taking a moment to give thanks to those that have linked to us over the past two weeks. [more]

The three secrets to a successful family business

Everyone sees the family business as a safety net. But if your family doesn't prepare, that safety net likely won't be around for the next generation.

Book Review: The 4-Hour Workweek

The 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss is really three small books in one. The first thing Ferriss does is make the case that you ought to figure out exactly what you want to do, and then arrang [more]

MoMA mia! Art is on sale.

It's that time of year again. The Museum Of Modern Art is having a ridiculous clearance sale and there are a ton of great art bargains to be had. Everything from home artefacts to posters and personal accessories are up to 90% off! [more]

When Being Frugal Went Wrong – Tales From The Cheap & Nasty

I love a bargain. We all do here at Wise Bread. But after a few personal disasters from being cheap, I opened up the topic to some of my fellow Wise Bread bloggers. What did they do to save a buck and how much did it cost them? [more]

Dangerous neighborhoods are safer than commuting

Why do so few people live within walking--or at least bicycling--distance from where they work? I've asked a lot of people this question and gotten a lot of different answers. Some people want big houses, others big lawns. [more]