
Free magazine subscriptions for all.

It’s not a joke, it’s not a trick — offers free trade and business magazines, direct to you!

Couplehood: Avoiding the Valentine Clichés

Valentine's Day cliches are so been-there-done-that. How are you spicing up your gift to your sweetheart?

Givin' 'em the Slip - Look Rich for Very Little

Give 'em the slip! The classic women's undergarment seems to have gone by the wayside. What's up with that?

The Key to Free

Mail-in rebates are an art form. Take these steps to make sure you get back to money you deserve.

And One for the "Readers": LibriVox

Listen to hundreds of audiobook classics for free with LibriVox.

Womanhood microscopic and other hot stock tips

Spam ahoy! Penny stocks are the latest get-rich-quick scheme, and they're coming your way via email.

Free movies rentals for life.

Forget Netflix and Hulu. The best place to get movie rentals is your local library — and it's totally free!

Switching Addictions

Sometimes trading one addiction for another can save both your money and your health.

The Cost of Tanning

A trip to the tanning salon can cost you — and we mean more than just what's in your wallet.

Frugal is more than a way to spend money, Part III

Are you an emotional spender? You aren't alone. It might me time to take a look at what's really going on in your head.

The cost of a free ride - why not to use a buyer's agent

This little real estate agent secret could potentially save you thousands on your new home.

U.S. personal savings rate close to Depression-era rates

U.S. savings rate has plummeted into negative territory, echoing days of the Great Depression.


Stand out from the crowd with a little crafty "pursenonalization" to your next thrifty handbag.

Sample before you buy - Perfume

It's perfume sample heaven! Get small portions of your favorite scents at a steal with Lucky Scent.

Behind the Times - I learn about Keep the Change

Bank of America's Keep the Change program is the modern solution to a change jar. Are you saving your pennies?

Being Frugal with Froogle

Online price comparison just got a whole lot easier with Google Shopping. Happy spending!

Keith Knight of the K Chronicles - Keepin' Kool on the Cheap

Keith Knight, award-winning creator of the K Chronicles and (th)ink, dishes on a life of frugality.

The Inanity of my Humanity (and why I choose to share it on Wisebread)

What do David Beckham and grump callers from The Chronicle have in common? Teaching us to live life frugally, of course.

Pop That Corkage: A Cross-country BYO Roundup

BYOB is all the rage right now! Find out where you can bring your own wine to dinner in your favorite cities.

How to complain and get a good result.

When you're on the receiving end of a poor product or service, you're entitled to complain. Here's how to do it.