Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Simple Ways to Shop Around

Whether shopping for a wedding, the latest gadget, or a holiday gift, the Internet is your best friend in scoping deals. Save big with these tips.

The Senior Resume for High School Students

Resumes aren't just useful for job seekers — they're also great for college-bound students. Learn (and why!) to build a resume for a high schooler.

Best Money Tips: What Successful People Do To Maximize Their Time

Today we found some great articles on things that successful people do to maximize their time, possible causes for your high bills, and ways to keep promises with yourself.

Customer Service Nightmares - What's a Good Consumerist to Do?

Customer-oriented blogsite Consumerist lets jilted shoppers rant about the companies that have done them wrong.

12 Tasty Ways to Cook With Wine

What to do with those couple extra pours in the bottle? Add a boozy twist to your next dish with these killer ways to use wine in the kitchen.

Packing it in - The Independent of London issues a challenge

The Compact is giving up all new purchases in a year, bar food and medicine, to save the environment.

7 Things You Need to Know About 401(k) Hardship Withdrawals

A financial emergency strikes, and your only resource is your 401(k). Before you take that money, there are few important things to understand.

Best Money Tips: 42 Ways to Simplify Your Life

Today we found some great tips to simplify your life, use old furniture, and take frugal road trips.

The 6 Biggest Financial Decisions in Your 20s

Your 20s are exciting — but also the time to get your finances straight for the decades to follow. Make these smart money moves before it's too late.

Cheap Condoms: Spread the Love, and Only the Love

Protect yourself and your sweetheart this Valentine's Day. Here's where to find condoms for next to nothing.

How to Invest in Mutual Funds

Mutual funds have long been and easy way to invest in a broad range of securities. Here's how to get started!

Best Money Tips: Saving Money at the Gas Pump

Today we found some great articles on saving money at the gas pump, grocery shopping smart, and ways to save money while skiing.

10 Hot Spots for Digital Nomads in 2018

If you live and work on the road, you should check out these gorgeous international hot spots.

Lock bumping - your home isn't safe

I heard about lock bumping last month from a friend. I figured it was all just a bunch of hokum. But I checked it out. It's not a myth, it's not an urban legend. Crooks can make a generic key to open any lock, including yours. And it's easy. [more]

Take an Imaginary Do-Over

When it comes to defining what you really need and want in life, it can help to imagine having nothing at all.

5 Best Websites to Help You Retire Early

Everybody dreams of retiring early, but few of us actually do it. These retirement finance experts can show you the way.

How Couples Can Finish Rich: Highlights from Our Chat with David Bach

Don't miss the highlights from our chat with David Bach on how couples can finish rich.

Best Money Tips: Cut Costs on Moving Expenses

Today we found some fantastic articles on cutting costs on moving expenses, ways to earn more money, and things that could be hurting your credit score.

7 Easy Ways to Invest in China

China's economy just keeps on growing and making people richer. Here's how an average investor like you can get in on it.

3 Cheap Ways to Win Over the Ladies (by Looking Better)

I used to be a slovenly brute. OK, not so much slovenly as... average. My morning routine including a shave, shower, and deodorant. I figured that was all a guy had to do to look good. [more]