Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

10 Things I Just Won’t Do to Save Money

Turn down money-saving opportunities? Yup! One very frugal writer shares the questionable and straight-up dumb ways he won't save money.

ZipList Giving Away $600 to Lucky Wise Bread Readers!

To enter simply leave a comment telling us your favorite Thanksgiving budget dish or comfort food!

Can You Really Make a Living in the Gig Economy?

Making a stable living in the booming gig economy isn't easy, but it is possible.

15 Things You Should Buy at Costco

You know there are great deals to be had at Costco, but you really should be buying these 15 things at Costco and not anywhere else.

8 Things You Need to Know About Debt Management Plans

Debt management plans can help you work your way out of debt, but they aren't for everyone.

7 Certifications That Add Big $$ to Your Salary

Expand your skills and education without stepping foot in a classroom. These seven certifications will help you score the big bucks!

Ask the Readers: Do You Pay For Convenience?

Tell us whether or not you pay for convenience and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

How to Build Wealth in a Depressed Economy

Recessions seem like they're just doom-and-gloom, but they can also be a great time to implement your wealth-building strategy.

How to Maximize Rewards on Everyday Spending

If you're not using your travel or cash back card for certain expenses, you're leaving valuable rewards on the table.

How Much?! A Breakdown of Concert Ticket Prices

Where does the money go when you buy a concert ticket? And what's with all the service charges? Learn exactly what your ticket purchase is paying for.

6 Ways to Vet an IPO Before You Buy

The Facebook IPO has been the subject of a lot of hype — much of which it hasn't lived up to. Learn how to make a well-informed IPO purchase.

8 Ways to Preserve Your Net Worth in Retirement

Financial security is more important in retirement than ever. Want to keep your net worth on the up and up? Here's how.

Make Flying Easy: The Ultimate Carry-On Packing List

Your itinerary is set and the lodging and flights booked; now the only question is what to pack. Here are some tips to help you pack light and be prepared.

5 Reasons Building Credit in College Helps You Win at Life

College is a time to discover your passions, goals, and aspirations. It's also a time to start building strong credit.

Should We All Just Stop Paying the Mortgage?

Should you take advantage of the $700 billion bailout plan to help struggling homeowners and stop paying your mortgage?

How to Successfully Negotiate Everything With Your Kid

Negotiation is a key financial skill many of us don't learn until we're adults. Here's how to teach your kids the basics.

50 Best Deals and Coupon Sites

Coupon users are no longer scrooges but sages, wisely spending by saving. Here are a list of 50 great deals and coupon sites dedicated to serving savvy shoppers like you.

Ask the Readers: What Are You Most Looking Forward to in 2012?

Tell us about what you are most looking forward to in 2012 and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Why Going to the Gym Is a Waste of Money, Time, and Resources

Working out at the gym is agonizing and expensive, but it's necessary for a healthy life — or is it? A recent Time magazine piece questions whether working out essential to weight

4 Paint Colors That Can Boost Your Home's Value

Want a quick, easy way to raise the value of your home? The right color paint in the right room can do the trick.