Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Big Mistakes You Can Make When Selling Your Home

Selling your home can be stressful at the best of times. To ensure the process really goes well, avoid these common blunders.

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 4/23, 12pm Pacific for a Chance to Win Prizes

Topic: Throwing a Frugal Baby Shower! Join our conversation for chance to win Amazon gift cards! Use #WBChat to participate!

How To Deal With Small Biz Contest Winnings

Contests can be a great way to boost your exposure -- including your tax exposure.

Affiliate Marketing, the IRS and You

If you're running an affiliate marketing program to boost your sales, be sure you're complying with IRS reporting requirements.

Tax Deductions: The Bright Side Of Failure

Failure can be a stern teacher. Failure can also be a tidy tax write-off.

Best Money Tips: Free Valentine's Dates

Today we found some great articles on free Valentine's Dates, ways to build up your emergency fund, and how to save more in 2012.

Best Money Tips: Simple Ways to Take Care of Yourself

Today we found articles on simple self-care ideas, how to use journaling to improve your productivity, and effective tips to get a job without experience.

Womanhood microscopic and other hot stock tips

Spam ahoy! Penny stocks are the latest get-rich-quick scheme, and they're coming your way via email.

Another one for the readers

Here's where to find free e-books online.

Best Money Tips: Getting Better Deals at Thrift Stores

Today we found some great articles on getting better deals at thrift stores, sources of non-taxable income, and optimixing credit card rewards.

Turning a cold war spy secret into a cheap anti-theft device

In the days of old, when spies passed messages to each other, they used many hidden messages. One of these methods was to hide the information in a dot of plastic or microfilm about the size of a pin head, and then end a sentence with it. [more]

Best Money Tips: Money-Saving Tips for Your Honeymoon

Today we found some awesome articles on money-saving tips for your honeymoon, grad gifts, and tips for networking at a business conference.

Business Plan Basics

I have a business and offer writing services so, on occasion, I have been asked to write business plans. Those making such requests are generally very eager, convinced of their

My dog's facelift

I just spent $1200 on a facelift for my dog. Before you go telling me that I should be put down, let me explain that it wasn't elective surgery. My dog is a Pekingese, and say w

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 4/5 at 12pm PST for a Chance to Win Prizes!

Topic: Money After Graduation! Join our chat with UNT's Student Money Management Center for a chance to win Amazon gift cards! Participate using #WBChat and #moneymonth2018!

Jettison the Junk: Why Clutter Clouds Your Mind and Saps Your Energy

A life cluttered with junk not only takes up space — it can take your energy, too.

Nintendo giving away free non-slip jackets for Wii remotes

Recently a very good friend of mine told me about a mishap that involved his 8 year old son, a Wii remote and a large, expensive flat-screen LCD TV. Needless to say he wasn't h

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 8/9, 12pm Pacific for a Chance to Win Prizes

Topic: Saving on Your Car! Join our conversation for chance to win Amazon gift cards! Use #WBChat to participate!

I Shouldn't Have to Pay for This! A Consumer's Guide to your Rights

If you buy something that stops working immediately and the seller refuses to refund your money, do you still have to pay for it?

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 12/3, 12pm PST for a Chance to Win $300 in Prizes!

Topic: What is your credit GPA? Join our chat with Experian for a chance to win $300 in prizes. Use #WBChat and #stateofcredit to join us!