Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

7 Surprising Tax Deductions You Might Miss

April 15th is just around the corner! If you haven't filed already or are prepping for next year, don't overlook these tax deductions — they just may surprise you!

4 Times a Handwritten Letter Can Save You Big Bucks

Don't ditch your stationery and penmanship skills just yet. They could save you real money.

Remove Car Dents Quickly and Cheaply

Dents suck. And so does the cost to repair them. Here are quick and cheap ways to remove dents.

5 Clever Tax Shelters Anyone Can Use

Reduce your tax burden by brushing up on some easy ways to reduce your taxes. It's simpler than you think.

How to Make $400+ a Week as a Pet Sitter

Need extra cash? Love animals? Get started as a pet sitter and you'll have Fido fetching you funds in no time.

9 Ways to Reverse Lifestyle Creep

More money in your paycheck can mean more spending on stuff you don't need. Time to get things back under control.

Why We Spend More When We Pay With Credit Cards

It's true — people spend more with credit cards than cash. Learn the psychological reasons why we tend to pay more when we use plastic.

8 Debt Reduction Mistakes Even Smart People Make

Even the smartest people make mistakes while trying to reduce debt. Don’t be one of them.

2-Minute Guide: How to Use Balance Transfers to Pay Off Credit Card Debt

Balance transfers can help you out of debt in a hurry. Here's how to use them to clear that credit card debt.

5 Surprises When Downsizing to a Condo

Condo living is a common way to downsize. But for homeowners making the leap, it comes with a few surprises you may not expect.

The 5 Best Bug Sprays for Home Pest Control

Keeping your home bug-free during the warmer months isn't easy, but it can be. Use any of these bug sprays for home pest control and your sacred space will remain bugless.

Great idea for Papa Murphy’s – make the pizzas in order.

What do you get if you cross a bunch of hungry people with an ineffective ordering system? You get the riot that almost happened at my local Papa Murphy’s on Friday. And if they do

8 Amazing Board Games You Can DIY

If you've grown tired of the same old board games, why not make your very own? Here's how to make eight great ones.

6 Pitfalls of Down Payment Assistance Programs

Before you apply for a down payment assistance program to help pay for a house, make sure you understand all the potential downsides.

6 Cheap Ways to Ensure Your Cyber Security

Don't let lax privacy settings leave you vulnerable. Stay on top of cyber security with these cheap (or even free) precautions.

5 Ways to Stay Productive While Working From Home

It’s sooo tempting to succumb to distractions working from home — but don’t! Try these tricks for staying focused and on task.

10 Money Goals All 30-Somethings Should Have

You're not 29 anymore. Do you have your act together, financially?

The 6 Healthiest Grocery Stores

Grocery stores often try to trick you into making unhealthy — and costly — food choices. Shop at these stores for healthier marketing.

10 Great Side Jobs for Introverts

If you're looking for extra money with almost zero interaction with other people, you don't have to look far — and you won't have to fake a smile, either.

Save on Car Rentals With These 10 Easy Hacks

Rental car expenses can eat a big chunk out of your vacation budget. Save more for the rest of the trip with some easy cost cutters.