Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Best Money Tips: Fun Ideas for the 4th of July

Today we found some awesome articles on fun ideas for the 4th of July, 11 crazy alternative investments, and tips for in-school debt management.

4 Reports That Will Keep Your Business Thriving

4 important reports you should be reviewing for your business.

Best Money Tips: Ways to Save Money

Today we found some awesome articles on ways to save money, financial realities of being in a relationship, and steps to achieve financial independence.

How to Create a PR Crisis Strategy Before You Need It

The day you realize that you need a crisis strategy is usually the day you have a crisis.

Best Money Tips: Ways to Save Money in College

Today we found some great articles on ways to save money in college, free or inexpensive ways to have a good time, and interview tips that will help you get a job.

Netflix Pricing Changes: What Now?

Netflix has raised its rates over 70% in the past year. As media prices keep increasing, there are other entertainment options (and concerns) to consider.

Welcome Janet Al-Saad, Wise Bread's New Senior Editor

Wise Bread is growing, and we're expanding our team to help bring our message of financial wisdom to an even larger audience. Help us welcome our new Senior Editor, Janet Al-Saad.

How to Focus on Your Ideal Customer

Small businesses need to create a persona of their ideal customer — not average, but ideal — so they have an actual living, breathing person in mind to target.

5 Ways to Boost Credibility and Conversions

Self-promotion is a crucial step to sustained success. There are simple ways to promote your business without coming across as a self-important egomaniac.

8 Affordable Destinations If You Wanna Get Spooked This Halloween

This Halloween, ditch the trick-or-treaters and treat yourself to something much more frightening — a terrifying trip to someplace famous for horror.

Make the Most of Your Local Chamber of Commerce

From advertising to networking, your Chamber of Commerce can offer your business scores of benefits...if you're a member.

4 Great Investments That Sounded Really Stupid in the 2000s

It's easy to make the right investments in hindsight. It's also easy to kick yourself for not taking the plunge when you should have.

7 Fun Podcasts for Kids (That Parents Love, Too)

These podcasts promote listening skills and give kids a much-needed break from their screens. You could use a break, too!

6 Paths to a Greener Back-to-School Season

Eco-friendly school supplies are a great way to teach kids about sustainability. Even better, a green back-to-school can help mom and dad save lots of cash.

5 Kinds of Emails to Purge From Your Inbox

A cluttered inbox is just like a cluttered desk — bad for your productivity and your peace of mind. Stop hanging onto those old messages now!

Writing Off Losses on Your Taxes

Paying less in taxes can help take some of the sting out of business long as you meet the requirements.

10 Resume Mistakes That Will Hurt Your Job Search

Finding a job is hard even in the best of circumstances, but you're sabotaging your search if you're making these basic resume errors.

Turn Your Annual Operating Plan into a Budget

A budget is a powerful tool for your business, and you can make it even stronger by basing it off of your annual operating plan. Here's how.

8 Ways to Escape a Dying Industry

You have a career, but you know it's not going to be around much longer. The good news is you cannot only survive a dying job, but thrive afterward.

Why Doing the Right Thing is Right for the Bottom Line

Ethics matter in our personal relationships -- and they matter in our business relationships, too.