Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

How to Calculate Future Value, and Why It Matters

Discover how simple spreadsheet projections about future investments can help you make long-term decisions today.

Money-saving travel hacks from your own home

Your flight is leaving in less than an hour. Your bag is less than packed. And you're less than thrilled about the day's developments. [more]

How to Create a Successful Kickstarter Campaign

If you have a creative project, a Kickstarter campaign can be the perfect way to get the funds you need. Here's how to make that campaign great.

How to inspire corporate confidence

A recruiter friend once told me that working at one employer for more than 15 years was a red flag to his client companies. At best, the long-standing employee is seen as unwilling

There's No Good Reason Not to Get the Amazon Rewards Visa Signature Card

If you shop on, there's no reason not to get the credit card to start earning rewards on your purchases!

Fix energy in tangible form

They key problem with energy is that it's really hard to store--it's tough to buy energy now and use it later, and most energy storage techniques lose a large fraction of the energ

Best Money Tips: How Much to Tip

Today we found some great articles on how much to tip, why you need life insurance, and things you pay too much money for.

9 Crazy Investments of the Rich and Famous

The rich and famous are no strangers to wild money matters. Do any of these crazy investments ring a bell?

Foods You Can Grow in the Comfort of Your Home

You don't need a yard to grow produce — heck, you don't even need a patio. From mushrooms to berries, discover foods that are easy to grow indoors.

How Much Engagement Ring Can You Actually Afford?

Popping the question can be a pricey prospect. You'll get the "yes" with less stress if you know going in what you should expect to pay.

Mutual Funds for Wise Bloggers

I know that Wise Bloggers are smart readers, so you might already know everything there is to know about mutual funds. However I have come across many very smart people who don't a

Kitchen Hacks: I Can Make This in That?

Jam in the freezer? Bread from a Crock-Pot? Oh, yes! Discover all of the tasty treats you can make in unexpected ways.

Dollar-Cost Averaging: my path to becoming a not-so-nervous investor

Can the concept of dollar-cost averaging (DCA) help prevent nervousness in investors? (I think so). But what is DCA and is it a viable investment strategy? If you are a seasoned in

10 Great Jobs for College Students

If you're in college, check out these flexible gigs that can get you some extra cash — and important resume-building experience.

7 Modern Ways to Balance Your Checkbook

It's no longer necessary to pore over that ledger and paper bank statement. You can "balance your checkbook" the modern way.

The Not-So-Private Parts

Raise your hand if you’ve never used Google or any of its services, don’t belong to any social network (including sites like Flickr, MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, etc.), don’t have (

Best Money Tips: Financial Tasks to Tackle When Preparing for a Baby

Today we found some awesome articles on financial tasks to tackle when preparing for a baby, cheap foods to avoid, and ways to be a coupon hero.

Ten Cents an Item for High-End Children's Clothes

How to bring home Gymboree, The Children's Place and Baby Gap for 10 cents an item.

Healthcare Price Lists: A Short (but Useful) Guide

It's difficult to save money on healthcare if you don't have access to cost information. Arm yourself with one of these easy-to-use price lists.

Hairy, Scary, and Larry--5 Halloween costumes you can make from stuff you probably already own

It's that dreaded time of year again. No, not tax time. Nope, not time for New Year's resolutions, either. it's Halloween costume time. As in, the time of year wher