Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

8 Ways to Reduce Mortgage Closing Costs

Mortgage closing costs can add up to thousands of dollars. Discover how you can easily and drastically reduce these costs.

How to create a speculative bubble and profit

Recently I read an enlightening story in the New York Times about the Pu'er tea bubble in Yunan, China. The burgundy fermented teas fetched prices of $150 a pound at the peak, but

5 Ways to Live Bank-Free

One in 12 Americans lives bank free — by choice. Find out how they do it so you can, too!

Stuff We Love: A Mimijumi Baby Bottle, Because It's More Like Mom

Why does the Mimijumi work so well? A bottle this similar to mom makes the transition from breast to bottle easy as pie.

Best Money Tips: What to Expect at Memorial Day Sales

Today we found helpful articles on what you can expect from this year’s Memorial Day sales, items you should never buy new, and ways to use up “old” food.

Master Your Life and Stop Self-Sabotage (Book Review)

You almost get that job promotion you yearn so badly for, but things fall through at the last minute. Every time your love life gets serious, the relationship blows apart. You woul

Investing Advice by the Decade: Ages 11-20

Tweens and teens race into biological adulthood all on their own, but they won't advance to financial adulthood without some parental guidance. Here's what to teach.

How to Get Yourself Into Debt

Rarely will you stumble across an article that actually tells you how to get into debt. It's time to end the discrimination and give people who want to get into debt a list of tips

Placing Prepositions: Where you from? Where you at?

Our spending and money management choices may be influenced by factors we can't control in our own minds as well as factors we couldn't control growing up. You may ask, to what are

5 Ways to Spend Less on Fido and Fluffy

While having a pet may make your life fuller, sometimes it won't make you monetarily richer. Here are five simple ways to save money on pet expenses.

5 Best Amazon Deals for Monday 10/21

Last minute Halloween Shopping? We've got 5 great deals for you!

8 $100k+ Jobs You Can Do Online

No get rich quick schemes. No exaggerated numbers. These eight jobs can earn you real money online.

The Lazy Mom's Guide to Eczema Care

I found out a little too late that eczema can scar your kids. So I've developed a protocol that even the laziest moms can follow to keep mild-to-moderate eczema at bay.

Quick Tip: How to Sell Your Home When Your Neighbors Are Too

Drive down one of the many residential streets in the nation and it is likely you will find one with multiple listings. It may look like a lot of possibilities if you are in the ma

My 2016 Budget Challenge: How to Buy a House When You Live Paycheck to Paycheck

Max shares what she learned about compound savings while saving for a house — and how she's using those lessons in this year's budget challenge.

Best Credit Cards for (New) Parents

Having kids changes your spending habits. Shouldn't your credit card change to match? Here are five smart cards to switch to post-baby.

How to bake sourdough bread (and save a buck on every loaf)

I doubt if the cost of yeast is really breaking your household budget. If you bake a lot you probably already buy yeast in bulk, so you're not paying the per-packet price anyway.

8 of Your Childhood Heroes Filed for Bankruptcy

Honest Abe's not the only role model to have filed for Chapter 11.

How To Make Your Own Soda, Tidy A Room In Three Minutes, Cure A Hangover And Become A Movie Extra. Phew!

I’m a big fan of Howcast. Their website is a treasure trove of information, and you can also find their videos on popular sites like Metacafe and YouTube. Sometimes their advice is

Best Money Tips: Important Financial Tasks to Do Each Year

Today we found some fantastic articles on important financial tasks to do each year, things you should do with your money in your 20s, and the newlywed's guide to budgeting.