Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

The End of the 4% Rule?

There's a rule of thumb that's pretty well known to retirement planners: the 4% rule. That rule is starting to look kind of iffy.

Just Saving More Is Not the Answer

Whenever I write about calculating how much money you need to retire, some people disagree strongly with the whole idea that there is such a figure. One told me, "The only correct

Is Your Partner Financially Unfaithful? (1 in 3 Are)

One in three partners in a committed financial relationship has been deceived by their partner about money. Why do partners lie about spending and what can you do about it?

Best Money Tips: Be More Effective Using Best-By Dates

Today, we give you a workplace use for "best-by" dates, tips to do more with less work, advice on public speaking, and ideas for a green Halloween!

Here's How a Claim Will Impact Your Car Insurance

Fender bent? Whether it was you or the other guy, there's a good chance your insurance policy may change.

U.S. Banks and the Tokyo Drift

A nation reeling from popped real estate and financial collapse mopes through a recession, its president urging calm. Just what country are we talking about?

November 11: The Last Free National Park Day of the Year

Plan a final outdoor adventure for 2011, and discover how to get free entrance to parks year-round.

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 8/7, 12pm PST for a Chance to Win $300 in Prizes!

Don't miss our #SmarterPhone #WBChat with Republic Wireless on 8/7 at 12pm PST! We will be giving away $300 in prizes!

Best Money Tips: What to Stockpile By the Month

Today we found articles on what to stockpile each month, simple ways to lower your taxes in retirement, and tips for negotiating your apartment lease.

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 3/30, 12pm PST for a Chance to Win Prizes!

Topic: Live Longer Without Running Out of Money! Join our conversation with Jean Chatzky for chance to win Amazon gift cards! Use #WBChat and #AgeProof to participate.

Dried Fruit, Paint Brushes, and 8 Other Things You Should Keep in the Fridge

Sure, your fridge is full of food, but did you know that flowers and paint brushes should be in there, too? Yep, it's true.

The Secret to Getting Great Hotel Rates Anytime

For almost every destination there's a right time for discounts and a wrong time. Book at the right time, and save big.

Best Money Tips: What Do Your Health Habits Say About You?

Today we found articles on what your health habits say about you, steps to do a mental spring cleaning, and an all-natural insect repellent that really works.

Black Friday Tips From Money-Saving Experts

Black Friday is not the day for casual browsing! If you're going to shop, either online or in the store, use these tips from the Internet's top savings experts to prepare.

Best Money Tips: Websites to Visit Before Spending Your Money

Today we found some fantastic articles on websites to visit before spending your money, frugal ways to relax, and the path to purpose.

Retail Therapy: The Benefits of Shopping

"Retail therapy" — shopping to help you feel better — is typically viewed with scorn. But some recent findings suggest that shopping can make you happy...if you do it right.

The Only 5 Words You Need to Declutter Your Life

Bust your clutter with the help of these five words. Here's a hint — they all begin with the letter "R".

5 Questions to Ask Before Signing Up for a New Credit Card

Getting a new credit might mean more rewards, or just a better utilization ratio. Just be sure you understand the ins and outs before you sign.

My CSA Experience: Farm-Fresh Veggies All Summer (and Possibly Winter)

Buying a share in community-supported agriculture is a great way to get fresh, local produce — and some CSAs are even available through the winter.

5 Pretty Projects for Pine Cones

If you have an excess of pine cones (or can get some), we have five festive decorating projects you can do on a dime.