Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Is Infrastructure Destiny?

Today is National Ride Your Bike to Work Day. I have a bike but I chose to drive in my “Share the Road” license-plate embellished car today. Why? The route from home to office, though short, is treacherous. [more]

5 Best Amazon Deals for Friday 08/09

Great deals on cookware, computer accessories, clothing, and more!

5 Best Amazon Deals for Thursday 08/22

Today's great deals include 40% off women's jeans, women's flats under $100, 40% off DEWALT heated jackets, and more!

Ask the Readers: What's Your Healthy New Year's Habit?

How will your health habits will change in January? Will you save money as a result? Or do you even bother waiting until the New Year (you can start now!)? We'd love to hear what o

Ending Financial Stress Now: Highlights from Our Chat with Emily Guy Birken

Don't miss the highlights from our chat with Emily Guy Birken on getting your financial life together!

How to Become the Richest Man in Poughkeepsie

Accumulating real wealth is actually much simpler than most people believe.

Who Should Handle Your Business Finances

Many small business owners run all of their own finances, but eventually you'll want to hire professionals. Read this to learn who to hire when.