Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

The 5 Best Milk Frothers

Skip the line and expense of a barista mixed cappuccino and whip up your own with one of our best five milk frothers.

7 Tips to Beating Fear and Becoming a Stellar Public Speaker

Public speaking can be a great way to build your brand and get noticed. But public speaking is so scary...

Should You Avoid Rewards Cards With Annual Fees?

The common wisdom is that credit cards with annual fees are never worth it, but the truth is that you could be missing out on valuable rewards.

The DOs and DON'Ts of Great Hostess Gifts

Whether you're invited to a casual dinner party, a weekend stay, or even a fancy banquet, discover the best ways to say thanks to your host.

Best Money Tips: How to Save Money on Your DIY Projects

Today we found some great articles ways to save money on your next DIY project, the best homemade face masks for acne, and a space-saving way to fold your plastic bags.

4 Money Resolutions Anyone Can Conquer

With a new year comes a slew of hard-to-keep resolutions. Reaching these money goals only requires a little bit of work up front. It's easy!

7 Ways to Bounce Back After You Miss a Credit Card Payoff Goal

Discouraged because you didn't meet a credit card payoff goal? Don't get down on yourself — get back to bringing those balances down.

Best Money Tips: 40 Ways to Save on Monthly Expenses

Today we found some great articles on ways to save on monthly expenses, tricks to make your groceries last longer, and ways to make extra cash this summer.

It's NATURAL for me to spend as I do!

The new excuse for overspending: "Science made me do it!"

U.S. personal savings rate close to Depression-era rates

U.S. savings rate has plummeted into negative territory, echoing days of the Great Depression.

Best Money Tips: Free Ways to Prep Your Home for Disaster

Today we found some fantastic articles on free ways to prep for a disaster, how NOT to raise a spoiled child, and writing a terrific cover letter.

Confessions of an eBay Shoe Addict

Take to eBay to get your shoe addiction fix on the cheap!

Best Money Tips: Common Habits That Can Shorten Your Life

Today we found some great articles on common habits that may shorten your life, essentials for a long car ride, and natural methods to keep bugs away.

Is Plastic Killing Us? The True Cost of Convenience

Plastic is really hard to avoid. In fact, it's everywhere. Clothing, mattresses, furniture, carpet - plastic is used to prevent fires as well as food stains. And now, plastic is in an even more exciting place! Your bloodstream. [more]

US Mint offers 2 for 1 on new $1 coins. Double your money!

Buy George! In an unprecedented marketing move by the US Mint, banks tomorrow will begin exchanging $1 bills for TWO of the new $1 coins, released only a few weeks ago. Got a $1 bill? Get $2 in coins back. Got 100 $1 bills? Get $200 in coins. [more]

6 Worries You'll Always Have No Matter How Rich You Become

Money can buy a lot of things, but it can't buy a worry-free life.

Your Bank Took Away Free Checking. Now What?

Has your bank started charging you for simply having a checking account? Here's what to do.

Create a Budget Based on the Best Money You've Ever Spent

Think about the best purchase you've ever made. Now, base your new budget off it!

Microsoft Office for $3? Third World Perks

Microsoft is going to be giving away selling their software bundles for $3. Three freaking dollars! From the Seattle PI (via Seattlest): [more]

Will gas top $4 a gallon this summer? I say yes.

Before you go jumping all over the place and pointing out that I have done no real market analysis to back up my prediction, I would like to point out: I have done no real market analysis to back up my prediction. [more]