Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Pop That Corkage: A Cross-country BYO Roundup

BYOB is all the rage right now! Find out where you can bring your own wine to dinner in your favorite cities.

7 Surprising Ways Retirement Has Gotten Easier

Good news, older Americans; retirement is better than ever.

5 Reasons Not to Delete Your Emails

One writer has found that keeping her emails has saved her time, frustration, and recently, over $300. Discover why a full inbox can be a good thing.

7 Ways Being Single is Better for Your Bank Account

Being single on February 14 can be a real bummer, but look on the bright side: Your bank account will love you for it.

How to Cut the Cost of a Hospital Stay

Don't let a hefty hospital bill add insult to injury. Figure out where you can cut costs for your stay.

3 Reasons to Hire a Tax Professional (Even If You Don't Mind the Work)

Even if you like doing your own taxes, there are still good reasons to go to a professional. Learn how an accountant can save you both money and stress.

The 5 Best Instant Tents

Setting up a tent quickly isn't easy, but it can be. Use any of these instant tents and you can pop up a cozy shelter in a flash.

Deal Killers: 5 Phrases to Avoid When Negotiating

Negotiating can sometimes be stressful, and that stress can make buyers and sellers say dumb things. Learn to score better deals by avoiding these phrases.

8 Ways to Trick Yourself Into Enjoying Cardio

If feeling the burn doesn't float your boat, these cardio workout hacks may be the motivation you need. You can do it!

70 Scrumptious Shrimp Recipes

Wondering what to do with the big bag of shrimp you got on sale? You'll find plenty in this lengthy list of delicious and frugal recipes for shrimp.

6 Apps Every Dad Needs

Raising kids is a job in and of itself. Make a Dad's life easier with these great productivity tools for busy dads.

Sweeping 101: What the Real Winners Know

Hi, my name is Linsey, and I’m a sweeper. [more]

Best Money Tips: Non-Financial Retirement Planning

Today we found articles on nonfinancial retirement planning, areas where you may be paying more than you should, and how to choose your first bank.

Best Money Tips: How to Treat Sunburned Eyes

Today we found articles on how to treat sunburned eyes, mistakes to avoid before a long flight, and cheap but amazing organization ideas.

7 Ways to Tell If That Used Car Used to Be an Uber

Uber and Lyft drivers sell their cars just like the rest of us. Here's how to tell if you're about to buy one.

6 Dumb Things Employment Recruiters See People Do

This former employment recruiter saw job applicants make a lot of stupid mistakes. Here's what to avoid if you want to get hired.

The many reasons--besides frugality--to do for yourself

Doing for yourself--cooking your own meals, making your own clothes, growing your own vegetables, playing your own music, baking your own bread--is sometimes justified on the groun

28 Ways to Never Pay Full Price for Anything

Before you spend one cent on anything today, arm yourself with proven strategies that will help you avoid paying full price ever again.

My Car is a Lemon! What Now?

It all looked so great at the outset. But numerous trips to the mechanic and problems at the side of the road have shown you that you unwittingly purchased a lemon of a car.

8 "Life Hacks" You Shouldn't Bother With

Life hacks are clever little tricks that promise to save you time or money. But these "hacks," while clever, could make things worse.