Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Ask the Readers: What Are Your Tips for Black Friday?

Tell us your tips for Black Friday and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

How to Make Your Bathroom Look Awesome for Under $100

You can freshen up the look of your WC without doing a complete tear out and reno. Get inspired with these thrifty and fun ideas.

7 Added Costs That Come With a Bigger House

Bigger isn't always better, but when it comes to houses, it's usually more expensive.

What Makes a Home's Location "Good"

When searching for the perfect new home, make sure the location is perfect, too.

DIY Shampoo: The Baking Soda Experiment

Baking soda and vinegar have long been touted to have great cleaning properties, but never did I think that they could clean hair.

Secret Lawn Tonic Recipe From Golf Course Groundskeeper

The lawn tonic recipe came from a former groundskeeper at a golf course. All you need are 5 common household ingredients and a 10-gallon hose-end sprayer.

Ask the Readers: What Was Your Best Customer Service Experience?

Tell us about your best customer service experience and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

5 Shopping Habits to Nix Before You Turn 30

Achieve financial success in your 30s by leaving these bad shopping habits back in your 20s.

Rent Your Home or Buy? Here's How to Decide

Rent versus buy is an age-old housing conundrum. Make the decision easy with some math that's easy to figure.

22 Websites That Will Pay You to Write for Them

Do you have a way with words? Earn some money with your talent, even if you don't have experience or clips at these sites that pay.

Thinking of Skipping the Home Inspection? Here's What It Will Cost You

Think you can save a few bucks by skipping a home inspection? Think again.

7 Certifications That Add Big $$ to Your Salary

Expand your skills and education without stepping foot in a classroom. These seven certifications will help you score the big bucks!

Debit Or Credit? Which One Should You Choose At The Checkout?

Debit or credit? Although the outcome seems the same, it’s a different process with different consequences.

10 Really Easy Ways to Unclog Drains

When you're faced with a clogged drain and the plunger won't work, these 10 techniques could save you the cost of a plumber.

How to Learn About Your Home's History

Home is where the heart is — and it has a history all its own. Here's how you can learn all about your new abode.

Flashback Friday: The 81 Best Tips for Saving Big at the Grocery Store

Sick of busting your budget wide open every time you head to the grocery store? These savings hacks will help.

3 Private Lenders That Can Really Save You Money on Your Student Loans

Private lenders have begun to enter the student loan consolidation market in a big way. Maybe it's time to drop Sallie Mae.

4 Steps to Finding Your Mortgage Lender

Buying a new home? Finding the right lender could save you big.

5 Surprises When Downsizing to a Condo

Condo living is a common way to downsize. But for homeowners making the leap, it comes with a few surprises you may not expect.

4 Money Moves to Make After You Pay Off Your Mortgage

You own your home free and clear; congrats! Once you're done celebrating, it's time to make some smart post-mortgage money moves.