Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

5 Ways to Score Cheap Rent — Without Annoying Roommates

The easiest way to pay less is to find a roommate, which isn't always terrific. But if you know where to look (and what to ask), you can live solo.

Flashback Friday: 43 Genius Ways to Save on Back-to-School Shopping

Back-to-school shopping has officially begun! And there are plenty of ways you can save big.

20 Indicators Your Financials Are Wrong

Accurate financial statements are critical to building a successful business. Here are 20 indicators that will let you know if you aren't getting accurate information.

Want to Sell Your Business? Start Now

Given the unusual economic environment, now isn’t the best time to sell a company. But it’s the perfect time to plan to sell one.

Best Money Tips: Improve Your Life

Today we found some awesome articles on ways to improve your life, steps to take when you feel financially vulnerable, and when buying in bulk is more expensive.

9 Financial Skills Everyone Needs During Hard Times

When the going gets tough, the tough get frugal. Stick to those frugal habits when finances brighten, and you'll save even more.

Squeeze More Cash Out of Your Business

When times are tough, finding ways to squeeze cash out of your business may mean the difference between survival and failure. Here are a few ideas to stimulate your cash flow.

15 Awesome Muffin Tin Recipes for Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner

Your muffin tin is good for more than muffins and cupcakes. Put yours to work around the clock with these easy, delicious, savory muffin recipes.

6 Money Problems Our Grandparents Never Had

Our grandparents and great-grandparents weren't immune to money troubles, but these financial woes are a little more modern-age.

Tools for Running Your Location Independent Business

You can operate your location independent business just as effectively from 2,000 miles away as you can from 20 miles away with these tools.

Best Money Tips: Ways to Protect the Data on Your Smartphone

Today we found articles on ways to prevent smartphone data breaches, how to save money at Lowe’s, and things that are worth paying top dollar for.

Paying Your Attorney: What’s Tax Deductible?

Not all legal fees are immediately tax deductible. The tax treatment of legal fees usually depends on what you incur them for.

Getting More Than a Good Reference

If you can get a stellar testimonial or reference, you can leverage those references to help you move your business to the next level.

Best Money Tips: Frugal Dining Out Tips

Today we found some great articles on frugal dining out tips, free things to do this summer, and financial advisor red flags.

Best Money Tips: Simple Hacks to Make Your Stuff Last Longer

Today we found some great articles simple ways to make your stuff last longer, how to keep your kitchen germ-free, and success lessons from Bill Gates.

7 Tips for Choosing a Business Broker

How can you avoid losing valuable time to a bogus broker? What questions should you ask to ensure you don't get in bed with a dud? And what red flags should you watch for?

Best Money Tips: Pantry Staples for Any Meal

Today we found some great articles on pantry staples for any meal, misconceptions about happiness, and ways to stop emotional spending for good.

Best Money Tips: Crazy Money Ideas That Just Might Work

Today we found some awesome articles on crazy money ideas that just might work, 4 things you can do with money, and inexpensive kid-friendly activities.

11 Genius Storage Solutions for Your Kid's Room

Kids' stuff can clutter up your home fast. Keep it under control (at least for a while!) with some clever and frugal storage solutions.

The Characteristics Angel Investors Expect

Even after you pique the interest of an investor, you have to convince him of the value of investing in your entrepreneurial efforts.