Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

15 Low Cost Ways to Beat Stress

Emotional spending and expensive junk food binges -- budget busters -- are often triggered by stress. Here are 15 ideas for diminishing stress without spending a lot of money.

Best Money Tips: Money Skills Everyone Should Have

Today we found articles on over a hundred money skills everyone should have, what to look for in high quality products, and money-saving apps.

Cash-Strapped Businesses Turn to Purchase-Order Financing

Many business owners are turning to alternative lenders who offer to finance their purchase order.

Dealing With Problem Employees: The Basics of Progressive Discipline

You never want to fire anyone. As a business owner you want to lead, develop, and empower people.

Last-Minute Giving

Here’s a gift idea that will help put you in the holiday spirit. It will not help you mark “done” on your gift list but may save a life. If you’re feeling well today, have mailed a

Using a Card, Not a Vendor Credit Line, for Business Purchases

Getting credit terms (aka trade terms) with vendors is usually a savvy move but, depending on the circumstances, paying with credit or charge cards can be just as smart. Securin

Self Directed IRA + LLC = Checkbook IRA

Growing your business may be your best retirement plan, but it's also important to set aside some personal retirement savings separate from the business. Doing so correctly can

The Shoestring MBA

A number of free, online resources are available to help you close gaps in your knowledge, invigorate your thinking and otherwise help you keep pace with key business trends.

PR Blunders and How to Avoid Them

Getting your business noticed by the wider community can only help. Except when it only hurts.

6 Work-Life Balance Blunders to Avoid

Your work-life balance may ultimately depend on the occasional stumble.

New Year’s Small Business Booster Plan

Don't let those end of year promotional calendars go to waste -- use them to sketch out key sales, marketing and operational initiatives throughout the coming year.

5 Best Amazon Deals for Tuesday 09/24

Today's great deals include 50% off on white denim, 60% off women's New Balance shoes, 50% off Emmy award nominees and winners, 60% off Kingston Solid State Drives, and more!

Best Money Tips: 5 Tips for Those Working in a Job They Hate

Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup. Today, we give you tips for surviving a horrible job, the 12 things every Italian kitchen should have, and how to make a knotted sc

Noncompete Clauses for Business Owners

The terms of a noncompete clause, which are often referred to as "covenants not to compete," can vary.

How to Deliver Bad News to Your Banker

Nobody likes to hear bad news...especially when it's your bank hearing about problems with your loan. Learn how to best handle the situation and avoid financial disaster.

Planning an Entrepreneur's Retirement

Retirement planning may not be high on every entrepreneur's to-do list, but it should be.

What to Do About Financial Losses from Disasters

If your business was damaged by a recent natural disaster, here's where to look for financial assistance to help your business recover.

Turn Your Annual Operating Plan into a Budget

A budget is a powerful tool for your business, and you can make it even stronger by basing it off of your annual operating plan. Here's how.

5 Innovative and Inspiring Workplaces

Looking for innovative ways to keep your employees motivated and productive? Look to these five business leaders for ideas.

Making Your Web Presence Both Local and Global

Think globally, act locally. Or is it think locally, act globally? With some planning, both can be true for your online identity.