Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Creating a Campaign on the Fly: Lessons from SXSW

The kids at SXSW raised $120,000 for the Red Cross with just a twitter feed and a website. In less than week. With no advance planning.

4 Things to Consider Before Hiring Household Help

Outsourcing chores can help you maximize your free time and earning potential. Figure out whether hiring some help is the right choice for you.

7 Mindsets Holding You Back (And How To Overcome Them)

Habit, routine, and stale thinking might be keeping you and your business from succeeding.

Creating a Memorable Christmas

Money isn't what makes a memorable Christmas. Follow these suggestions to help enjoy the holiday, not the stuff associated with it.

Best Money Tips: How to Think Like a Millionaire

Today we found some great articles on how to think like a millionaire, tips to grow the best organic garden, and money-saving ways to use cornstarch.

What Small Business Healthcare Tax Credits Do You Qualify For?

The Health Care Reform Bill includes a tax break for eligible small businesses who offer healthcare benefits to their employees. You may be able to get back 35¢ for every $1 you spent if you meet ALL of the following requirements: you have less [more]

Cell Phones as Tax-Free Fringe Benefits

Due to changes in tax law, employers can now offer employees cell phones as a tax free benefit.

7 Generic Home Goods Buys Better Than the Expensive Originals

Skip the fancy brand name. For these seven household items, generic does the best job — at the better price.

Why Small Businesses Should Pursue Free Trade

Recent free trade agreements have opened up new markets for American business, including small business. Here's how to get started.

Best Money Tips: Organic Groceries on a Budget

Today we found some great articles how to shop organic on a budget, 1-minute habits that will improve your day, and ways to make household items last longer.

Using Airline Credit Cards to Score Premium Travel Awards

Want to not just fly for free, but to do it in style? It's possible. Discover how a little planning and the right frequent flier rewards card can make it happen.

5 Small Businesses That Made It Big With The Help Of Reality Shows

Appearing on reality television might be one of the biggest breaks you can get for your small business. Here's what to know, and how to make it happen.

4 Ways to Inject Cash into Your Business

Banks and other outside investors aren't the only sources of additional cash to grow your business.

How to Network Sincerely and Effectively

Building an effective network among your customers and colleagues is a key to business success. And the key to effective networking is sincerity.

Best Money Tips: Ways to Give More to Charity in 2018

Today we found articles on ways to give more in 2018, effective ways to stretch your meal money, and how to decide if something is worth fixing.

The Benefits of Having a Roommate (Besides Saving on Rent)

Living with someone else means cheaper rent, but that's not all. Learn all the reasons why a roommate is great for your wallet AND your well-being.

Take an Imaginary Do-Over

When it comes to defining what you really need and want in life, it can help to imagine having nothing at all.

Malaria-Resistant Mosquito: Frugal Research or Future Pox?

File this one under "Wow, that's a great idea... or is it?" Scientists at Johns Hopkins University have developed a mosquito containing a gene that makes it resistant to the malaria virus. [more]

Best Money Tips: Cut Costs on Moving Expenses

Today we found some fantastic articles on cutting costs on moving expenses, ways to earn more money, and things that could be hurting your credit score.

Best Money Tips: Negotiate for Lower Rent

Today we found some great articles on negotiating rent, last-minute tax tips, and credit card expiration dates.