Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Best Money Tips: 5 Costly Summer Travel Mistakes

Today we found articles on costly summer travel mistakes, stores where you can also save 10 percent or more, and laundry tips and tricks that everyone should know.

6 Things to Keep You Sane on a Plane

Air travel is no picnic (unless you count bad coffee and tiny bags of pretzels as perfect picnic foods). Here are must-haves to remain comfortable on any flight.

We Do the Math: Save for Retirement or Pay Off Credit Card Debt?

It's a finance question for the ages: Should you save for retirement, or pay off credit card debt? Find out what the math says.

Money-Saving Tricks I Learned Planning an Elopement

I always thought that eloping meant flying to Hawaii to get married on the beach with a hired witness. I was wrong, and now I'm saving tons of money.

5 Voices to Tune Out When Managing Your Finances

Money is complicated and advice is often welcome. Just know that much of the money advice you hear may actually cost you. A lot.

10 Hidden Costs That Hurt Your Wallet

From spend-happy friends to bad bulk buying and more, these sneaky costs and poor financial habits could be sucking the life out of your bank account.

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 10/9 at 12pm PST for a Chance to Win $300 in Prizes!

Topic: Buy vs. Rent! Join our conversation with SmartAsset for chance to win $300 in Amazon gift cards! Use #SmartAsset and #WBChat to participate!

How Closing a Small Business Can Grow a Better One

Closing your business doesn't have to be the end of having one. These business owners found better opportunities after closing their first ventures.

6 Signs That You're Sleep Deprived

Maekin moar meestakes at werk then yousyewl? Yep, that's a sign you aren't getting enough sleep.

What to Do After Losing Your Social Security Card

A lost Social Security card is easy to replace. Things become a little dicier, though, if your number falls into the wrong hands.

7 Ways to Keep Your Retirement Funds From Disappearing

If you've got some retirement savings, you're doing well! Follow these guidelines to keep your savings as strong as possible.

Want to Buy a Home With No Money Down? Try a USDA Loan

Despite the recent economic crunch, consumers can still purchase homes with no money down through the USDA Rural Development program.

10 Things You Should NOT Do to Your Yard This Fall

With the holidays approaching the last thing on your mind is next year's lawn. Prep your yard now to save time and money on landscaping next spring.

Negotiate All Your Travel: The Ultimate Guide

Here are some of the best travel negotiation tips from around the web – categorized by hotel, car rental, airfare, and those tips that apply all three.

The NFL's 5 Most Frugal Players

Sad stories of spendthrift athletes wasting millions are all too common. But for these five footballers, frugal lifestyles keep their finances fit.

Family-Friendly Hotel and Resort Chains Where Kids Stay Free

Kids can make a travel experience all the more fun — and sadly, all the more expensive. But not at these family-friendly hotel chains!

6 Ways to Beat Sinus Pain at Work

The season for sinus pain is approaching. Sinusitis strikes everywhere, including at the office. Here are six tips for fighting sinusitis on the clock and saving those sick days.

How to Avoid Getting Hired

Do you want a job? Are you sure? Because if you are doing any of these things, you won't get one.

8 Amazing Hawaiian Resorts You Can Book With Rewards Points

Traveling to Hawaii isn't cheap, but credit card and loyalty rewards points can make your hotel stay cheap, or even free!

Best Money Tips: Smart Ways to Give

Today we found some great articles on smart ways to give during a disaster, how to financially survive a disaster, and ways to spread positivity.