Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Early Holiday Shopping: Why I Finish by Thanksgiving

Already feeling that pre-holiday stress set in? Get a jump on holiday shopping, and reclaim some of that peace that the holidays are supposed to be about.

U.S. Bank FlexPerks Select+ American Express Card Review

The U.S. Bank FlexPerks Select+ American Express offers a flat rewards program for all your purchases.

10 Innovative Ways To Reward Your Employees

Rewarding employees for a job well done is a fundamental management technique. And it doesn't have to be expensive.

Best Money Tips: Keep Good Food From Going Bad

Today we found some awesome articles on keeping good food from going bad, getting free stuff, and easy ways to make extra money.

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 3/31, 12pm Pacific for a Chance to Win Prizes

Topic: Teaching Kids About Finance! Join our conversation for chance to win Amazon gift cards! Use #WBChat to participate!

5 Best Amazon Deals for Wednesday 08/21

Today's great deals include 50% off 18 Stems Rose Bouquet, 60% off or more Jones New York, and more!

How to Save Money During the Halloween Rush

With the Halloween season upon me, I realize that there is a great push to spend money. Even if I'm on a budget and saving money, that temptation to blow my budget isn't too far ou

87% of Homebuyers Think They Know How Much Home They Can Afford (But They Really Don't)

Survey shows most homebuyers don't know how much their down payment will be. Are you one of them?

Best Money Tips: Most Common Job Interview Questions

Today we found some awesome articles on the most common job interview questions, car maintenance services you can get for free, and affordable ways to celebrate St. Patrick's Day.

Hold That resume! 5 Red Flags in Online Job Listings

Unemployment is at an all time high. Oddly enough so are online job listings. That doesn't mean every online job posting is a winner. Here are five red flags in job postings that s

Best Money Tips: Great Travel Freebies You Can Get in 2017

Today we found articles on great travel freebies, household items that you can use to spring clean your home, and awesome alternatives to pet ownership.

Best Money Tips: Tipping People Who Can't Take Tips

Today, we share how you can show your appreciation to workers who can't take tips, save hundreds by taking a day off, and put some pizazz in eating meals at home.

Best Money Tips: Is It a Hobby or a Business?

Today, we share advice on turning a hobby into a business, creative ornaments to decorate your holidays, smart tips for electronics shopping, and more!

Energy Price Spikes

There are several ways to help deal with spikes in energy prices, but the main one is simple: Get used to it.

40 Tips to Accelerate Your Cash Flow

40 ways to improve your cash flow in the following five areas: Expedite Cash In, Optimize Cash Out, Increase Revenue, Decrease Expenses, and Save Taxes.

5 Ways to Avoid Buying Electronics You'll Regret

The gadget market moves fast, so it's easy to get caught up and click "buy." Avoid buyer's remorse by choosing quality and value, first.

The Financial Balancing Act: Musings on Balancing Being Responsible with Having Fun

Sometimes, balancing debt (or staying out of it) with fun things we really enjoy brings up hard questions. [more]

Best Money Tips: Alternative Uses for Household Items

Today we found some great articles on alternative uses for household items, things to consider when choosing health insurance, and principles to increasing your net worth.

Ask the Readers: How Do You Cool Off on a Budget?

Tell us about how you cool off on a budget and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Will Companies Ever Woo Again?

While the current condition of the job market is debatable, no one can argue the importance of feeling secure and appreciated in your current position. Many employees will agree t