Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

3 Weird Ways People Get Promoted

The best way to get a promotion — and a raise — may not be working hard and well. Start sharpening your wit (and rubbing your lucky rabbit's foot).

Offering Stock to Your Employees: 5 Key Financial Considerations

You can choose to make your employees more involved with your business' future by offering them stock in the company.

Shop Like a Ninja on eBay

From misspelling search terms to last-minute bidding, learn the tricks of shopping like a ninja on eBay.

3 Ways Obama's Free Community College Deal Will Help You

The President's community college proposal is not only good for students. Find out how it can help the rest of us, too.

4 Tips for an Easy-to-Build Budget and Strategic Plan

The budgeting process is on the horizon. A deeper but relatively quick evaluation of your business could be useful, not only to budgeting but also planning strategically.

Best Money Tips: Secrets to a Healthy Relationship With Money

Today we found some great articles on the secrets to a healthy relationship with money, cheap Valentine’s Day gifts for the people you love, and frugal fails to avoid.

7 Times to Update Your Homeowners Insurance

You probably haven't looked at your homeowners policy since you bought your house. You might want to; especially if you've made these changes.

Is Your Business Well-Positioned for Growth?

What does it mean to be well-positioned for growth? How does a company ensure they'll be ready when the economy recovers?

Best Money Tips: Credit Card Tips to Live By

Today we found some awesome articles on credit card tips to live by, what to do if you hate your job, and road trip money saving tips.

How Steady Financial Management Can Support Ecommerce Growth

Steady financial management can drive growth, support timely repayment of credit lines and loans, or bypass the need for traditional financing altogether.

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 9/21, 12pm Pacific for a Chance to Win Prizes

Topic: Saving on Clothes! Join our conversation for chance to win Amazon gift cards! Use #WBChat to participate!

Plan Now for Your 2011 Retirement Plan

The year isn't over yet, but it's not too early to think about setting up a qualified retirement plan for 2011.

Saving for College: Highlights from Our Chat With Dr. Barbara O'Neill from Rutgers

Don't miss the highlights from our chat with Dr. Barbara O'Neill from Rutgers Cooperative Extension on saving for college!

Improving Your Online Community

Turning visitors into community members can mean big benefits for your company.

Actually, the Rich Don’t Create Jobs. Demand Does

There's been a lot of talk in the last few months about taxes on the rich. But do the rich really create jobs, or is it a smoke screen?

How Anticipating the Worst Can Help You Succeed

It doesn't do much good to be Chicken Little, constantly convinced that financial ruin is imminent. That said, the strongest businesses do prepare for the worst.

Best Money Tips: Save Money On Your Vacation

Today we found some awesome articles on how to save money on your vacation, comparing health insurance plans, and the worst credit card mistakes.

7 Ways to Improve Your Work Reputation

In the office, talk is cheap. The walk is what counts. If you want to burnish your work rep, you've got to act the part — consistently.

Life and Death: The Related Taxes, and How It Affects Your Family

From hiring your children to work in your business to careful end-of-life planning, you can help reduce the taxes that you (or your children) will owe.

Organizing Your Financial Paperwork

By reducing paperwork before you organize, keeping your financial documents in order can become quick, easy, and (mostly) painless.