Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

12 Money-Saving Tricks You Can Learn From Hipsters

You know why Hipsters ride fixies? One gear is cheaper than 10. That and more frugal lessons from the latest edition of youth counter-culture.

Is It Finally Time to Invest in Marijuana Stocks?

Investors still have a lot to learn about the legal weed market before raking in the green.

Flashback Friday: 43 Genius Ways to Save on Back-to-School Shopping

Back-to-school shopping has officially begun! And there are plenty of ways you can save big.

How to Legally Sell Your Body for Money

Looking to sell some your stuff for some extra cash? Look no further than the mirror.

The 8 Worst and Best Airport Buys

There's nothing friendly about the price of goods and services at the airport. Avoid these bad buys if you can — and save your money for a couple of concourse deals.

Best Money Tips: How to Save Money While Traveling Abroad

Today we found articles on tips to save money while you’re traveling abroad, ways to invest in real estate, and tips for running in winter.

The ultimate recycler - Utah man saves 70,000 beer cans

Wow, am I late to the news. But hey, it's a great frugal story or recycling, even if it is completely insane. [more]

8 Career Mistakes to Stop Making by 30

By age 30, you should know better than to make any of these career mistakes. If not, soon you may be looking for another career.

America Is On a Roll: 5 Economic Predictions for 2016

The U.S. economy did pretty well in 2015, and the trend is set to continue. Here's what we think the economy will do in 2016.

7 Strategies for Controlling Toy Clutter

Keep your home clean AND your kid happy with these tricks for corralling your child's clutter.

Ask the Readers: Have You Finished Your Back-to-School Shopping?

Tell us if you've finished your back to school shopping and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

10 Reasons Why Veterans Make Great Employees

Over the past few years, I have had the privilege of working with military veterans and active duty personnel who anticipate, are in the process, or have already transitioned to th

The 5 Best Pet Flea Medications

Keeping your pets flea-free during the summer isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these pet flea medications and those pesky fleas will remain at bay.

10 Tips to Up Your Chances of Getting an Email Response

It's frustrating when you send someone an email and never get a response. Follow these steps to improve your chances.

CSS Is One Source of College Financial Aid You Can't Afford to Overlook

You've probably heard of FAFSA, but how about CSS PROFILE? It can help you afford the top schools in America.

The Time Management Problem Most of Us Have — and How to Fix It

The world won't end if you don't say "Yes" to every project, chore, event, and favor request you get. Start becoming happy by doing just enough.

Which Workout Clothes Are Worth Splurging On (And Which Aren't)

It's OK to go cheap on some fitness stuff, but other gear is worth more. Find out where you should put your money for maximum health and safety.

The 10 Dirtiest, Germiest, Grossest Things You Live With Everyday

Ten reasons you may never touch anything ever again.

Best Money Tips: Strategies for Fixing Common Budget Problems

Today we found some fantastic articles on strategies for fixing budget problems, simple DIY frugal tips, and smart money moves for college students.

The Only 5 Words You Need to Declutter Your Life

Bust your clutter with the help of these five words. Here's a hint — they all begin with the letter "R".