Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

5 Mental Biases That Are Keeping You Poor

Your love of lattes might not be totally to blame for your low funds. Cognitive biases could be derailing every one of your money-related decisions.

The Easy Way to Negotiate a Cheaper Hotel Room

Most hotels and inns are willing to negotiate their rates. All you have to do is be willing to ask.

11 Retailers Where You Can Negotiate a Lower Price

Negotiating the best price is not only for the car dealership and the yard sale. Try haggling at these retailers big and small and pay less for lots more.

18 Surprising Ways Your Identity Can Be Stolen

You work so hard to protect your identity, but there are still ways thieves can get your personal data. Here's how they do it.

Cheat Sheet: Retail Markup on Common Items

Stores make money by price markups. Learn the rationale behind retail pricing and what the product you're buying actually costs.

50 Great Things to Do With $50

One dollar may not buy you much anymore, but a crisp $50 bill still has value. From splurges to saving, try these savvy ideas for your half-hundred.

8 Most Affordable Beach Towns in Mexico

Looking for a quick beach getaway? These gorgeous seaside towns in Mexico offer the most bang for your buck.

Snowballs or Avalanches: Which Debt Reduction Strategy Is Best for You?

There are two leading strategies for debt elimination. Both will work, but one gets you out of debt a little faster and a lot richer.

Are Starter Homes Still a Thing?

Starter homes used to be the norm. But in today's housing market, you might not need those homeowner training wheels.

Breaking the Bread Code: How to Get the Freshest Loaf

Discover the color code that will lead you to the freshest loaf on the store shelf every time.

5 Money Moves Every Single Parent Should Make

Raising a kid by yourself takes strength, resilience, and perhaps most importantly, a solid financial footing.

Ask the Readers: If You Could Have One Wish (Chance to win $20!)

What is your most longed-for financial wish? Let us know your thoughts in order to be entered to win one of three $20 Amazon gift cards!

7 Penalty-Free Ways to Withdraw Money From Your Retirement Account

Borrow money from your IRA, penalty-free? It's possible in these seven scenarios!

Best Lenders for Personal Loans

Whether you face unexpected expenses or are just shopping the best rate, there's a personal loan available to suit your needs.

22 Reasons to Stop Drinking Soda

Most of us know that soda isn't good for us, but that doesn't mean we stop drinking it. Here are 22 financial, health, and other reasons to kick the habit.

Feeling Stuck? 100 Ways to Change Your Life

In 20 minutes, you too can change your life in 100 different ways. Check it out!

5 Financial Mistakes You Need to Stop Making by 30

By the big Three-Oh, you're no finance rookie. Leave these money mistakes in your 20s and kick bad spending habits to the curb. No excuses!

Debit Or Credit? Which One Should You Choose At The Checkout?

Debit or credit? Although the outcome seems the same, it’s a different process with different consequences.

The Meaning of Milk Label Colors

Can you tell the difference between 1% and skim milk based on the color of the cap? It depends on where you shop.

Why You Should Call Your Mortgage Lender Every Year

When was the last time you gave your mortgage lender a ring? If it's been a few years, you could be throwing money out the window.