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Best Money Tips: 5 Golden Rules for Getting Out of Debt

Today we found some great articles on the golden rules of getting out of debt, habits of considerate people, and where to find extra income.

Avoiding Social Media Slip-Ups at Work

Yes, you can get fired for complaining about work on Facebook, and even the smartest, savviest people can stumble. Follow these suggestions to stay safe.

Surviving Swine Flu

By now, you're probably really tired of hearing about the swine flu. Frankly, I am. But the swine flu isn't like the regular flu, and since the H1N1 vaccine isn't widely available

How to travel to and from Canada

Getting to and from Canada is getting to be a real pain in the ass. [more]

Refinance These 4 Common Debts Before Year Ends

Get the jump on your New Year's debt resolution. Refinance these four loans by December 31st!

7 Weird Ways to Keep You and Your Stuff Safe

If fences, locks, and motion-sensing lights are protecting your stuff, it's time to apply some creativity to personal security.

The 5 Best Beach Umbrellas

Catching shade at the beach when the sun's out isn't easy, but it can be. Just bring any of these beach umbrellas with you and you'll be able to hide from those rays.

Top 7 Mortgage Myths Debunked

Don't let these common misconceptions stop you from buying your dream home.

How One Inventor Turned a Spring Break Idea Into a Six-Figure Business

A good idea can change your life. Learn how Rob Ianelli, inventor behind Brewsees sunglasses, hit his stride while cracking open a cold one.

9 Investing Questions You're Too Embarrassed to Ask

Don't let pride get in the way of your financial education. When it comes to your money, it's dumb not to ask the basic questions first!

13 alternatives to paying for homework help

Being overwhelmed with homework seems to be a badge of parental honor. If homework is heaping, you may look to costly resources for help. In "How Homework Is Hurting Our Fa

14 Dumb Things Holding You Back From Losing Weight

Been dieting and exercising but still can't shed the fat? One of these dumb things might be keeping the weight on.

How To Protect Yourself From Gasoline Thieves

Gasoline thieves are branching out from gas stations and targeting everyday consumers. Here are a few things to keep in mind to protect yourself.

6 Ways Sloth Is Keeping You Poor

There's a lot more to sloth than plain laziness — and a lot more ways it's costing you money.

Reject Variable Terms and Conditions

Ordinary business transactions used to be governed by long-standing laws and customs that had been developed to make them fair to both sides. Over the last fifty years or so--basic

Giving is Better Than Blogging... or IS it?

Giving is better than receiving. I do sincerely believe this, as much as I like receiving. And I do like getting stuff. You know that old saying about giving a man a fish, and he'll eat for a day... [more]

Wise Bread Reloaded: How to Prepare and Enjoy Our Modern, Monstrously Large Chickens

Never heard of the Ross 308 broiler? At nearly 10 pounds, the enormous chicken has taken beef's place at the head of the American table.

Learn good financial habits from your parents. Or not.

One of the big advantages that children of the middle-class and wealthy have is that they grow up in a household where a huge amount of financial knowledge is embedded in its day-t

The Upside of Down

As we watch the markets sink and gyrate, it's a scary time. There's talk of a major recession. While the downsides of a downturn are obvious and very real -- lost work, lost invest

A second emergency fund you never spend?

I ran across this idea in a book by some financial guru years ago. The book was packed with an odd mix of obvious and kooky ideas, of which this was one of the latter. For some r