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8 Cheap, Easy, and Not-So-Obvious Ways to Invest in a Company's Stock

There are many ways to invest besides buying shares in a company's stock through a brokerage firm. Discover eight cheap (or free!) ways.

10 Resolutions for the Green Revolution

Make a New Year's resolution to be more environmentally friendly with these 10 steps to green your life.

How to Travel Internationally With Your Kids

Traveling with your kids in tow can get expensive and chaotic. Here's how to minimize the costs, and the frustration.

Ask the Readers: Are Rebates Worth It? (Your Chance to win $10!)

Do you rebate? Are you smart about it? Do you buy stuff you don't even want or need so that you can eventually recoup all your money? Or do you avoid the practice altogether. We

Ask the Readers: How Do You Manage Stress and Spending? (Your Chance to Win $10)

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Halloween Is Over. Now, Go and Buy Your Costume.

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8 Traits of People Who Live Debt-Free

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Money-saving travel hacks from your own home

Your flight is leaving in less than an hour. Your bag is less than packed. And you're less than thrilled about the day's developments. [more]

12 Everyday Money Tasks You've Been Doing Wrong

Minimum payments, retail therapy, yikes! Don't let these bad money blunders burn through your cash.

Know Something? Save Time And Tuition

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Your Website Sucks: Here's What to Do About It

A review of the e-book "Why Your Website Sucks — and How to Fix It," plus other resources to help your website move from sucking to shining.

7 Things Your Financial Advisor Wishes You Knew

Then again, if you already knew these truths about investing, why would you need a financial advisor?

10 More Hobbies You Can Start for Free

New hobbies often come with hefty price tags. Jump into these right away with tools and materials you probably already have on hand.

Best Money Tips: How to Take a Better Selfie

Today we found some great tips for a better selfie, how to create a minimalist wardrobe, and cheap ways to avoid fall illnesses.

Is Dollar Cost Averaging the Right Strategy for You?

Want to invest a lump sum while cutting down risk? Dollar cost averaging may be your move.

7 Things Your Credit Report Does NOT Include

Your credit reports may be handy snapshots of your financial health, but they don't show the whole picture. Find out what's missing.

Fantasy Football Leagues in the Workplace?

It’s that time again. Football fans are gearing up for the excitement of a new season. The rest of the world is prepping for how to deal with it. And Football Fantasy Leagues ar

Your Loss Aversion Is Costing You More Than Your FOMO

Losing money hurts so much more than the thrill of getting it. Why is that?

How Being Uninformed Costs You Money

Information is power. And without it, you're losing money.

Why Index Funds Are the Best Choice for New Investors

New investors may be tempted to move their mutual fund investments into an actively managed fund. Choose an index fund instead to avoid a costly mistake.