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Where to Turn for Help When You Don't Have an Emergency Fund

If we've told you once, we've told you a thousand times — you need an emergency fund! But if disaster strikes, these last-minute answers can cover a cash crunch.

If You'd Held These 10 Stocks Instead of Sold, You'd Be Rich Now

Fortune favors the bold — and sometimes the bold move is holding on to tanking stocks.

Money a Mess? Try This Personal Finance Starter Kit

There may be no personal finance starter kit you can order right to your door (yet, anyway), but don't worry: You can build one yourself.

Possible Backlash Against Cheap Imports?

Is there a backlash against cheap Chinese imports coming? I, for one, secretly hope so. We've known that it can't last forever, haven't we? [more]

There are Cheaper Ways to Return to a Greener Earth

The web is full of ways to live green, but have you ever thought about being Earth-friendly in your death? While it’s not always pleasant to think about, maybe we should. If you

Ask the Readers: Have You Finished Your Back-to-School Shopping?

Tell us if you've finished your back to school shopping and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Avoiding the Poverty Tax

Simply being poor can add to a family's cost of living. But the solution isn't necessarily increasing's improving skills.

Watch Out for Surge in CPI

Just to be clear, I'm also worried about a surge in inflation, but that's not what I'm talking about here. I don't know the future, so I try to stay away from predictions. But yo

Most Popular Ways Americans Spend Their Tax Refunds

Americans are getting smarter about spending their tax refunds. How will you spend yours?

Do This One Thing Every Day to Defeat Negativity

If your glass is always half empty, this simple daily practice can help you see it half full — and help you feel happier.

How to Resist the Expensive "Once in a Lifetime" Mentality

Just because you think you'll only buy something once, doesn't mean it's worth spending your money on.

What to Buy (and Avoid Buying) in July

July is a great month to buy a mattress but not so good for a swimsuit. Find out what else is on sale — and what else definitely isn't.

12 Easy Ways to Improve a Bad Mood

Being in a bad mood is no fun for you — or for those around you. Try these non-pharmaceutical mood enhancers to brighten a gloomy day.

Financial Emergencies: How to Weather the Storm

A financial emergency can seem insurmountable — but if you follow these steps, you can get through unscathed.

9 Frugal Skills You Must Have to Survive Autumn

In order to make it to the Christmas season with some money in the bank, you need to make fall as frugal as possible. Here's how.

Best Money Tips: Hidden Costs of Buying a House

Today we found some awesome articles on the hidden costs of buying a house, vacations to take when your budget is low, and alternatives to traditional gift-wrapping.

How to Use the Holiday Quiet Time to Boost Your Career

Holiday weeks can be super slow at the office — which makes it the perfect time to learn new skills and accelerate your career.

A Crash Course in Offensive Budgeting

I'm a risk taker that has learned the hard way; budgeting is a necessity.

How to Make Artisanal Bread on a Budget

Stop paying for those overpriced loaves when you can make delicious ones at home. It's great with soup!

The Millennials Guide to Avoiding Credit Card Debt

Millennials have a shared fear; credit card debt. But don't worry — it's entirely possible to use credit cards and avoid crippling debt.