Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

7 Essential Money Moves for New Parents

Having a kid is scary — and expensive! These money moves can make the transition a lot easier on your wallet.

7 Tips for Small Business Success in Troubled Times

When the going gets tough, small business gets going.

12 Better Ways to Spend $1,000 Than on the New iPhone

Ohh, look! A shiny new iPhone! Do your wallet a favor and keep on walking.

Best Money Tips: Steps to Being Happy

Today we found some awesome articles on steps to being happy, avoiding December debt, and strategies to maximize credit card rewards.

3 Ways to Fund Your Business Without Touching Savings

Don't take one step forward and two steps back. Here's how to fund a new business venture without touching your retirement savings.

6 Ways to Prepare for the Holiday Rush

The holiday shopping season is right around the corner. Are you prepared?

Why Your Big New Year's Resolutions Are Pointless

Forget about your resolutions; there's no point in making them. Okay, that might be harsh...but they're not a good way to make life changes. Learn why.

10 Reasons to Stop Buying Gas Station Food

Put down the Big Gulp and walk away. You're wasting money for the convenience — and who knows where that cup has been?!!

6 Tips to Win Any Argument

Love it or hate it, conflict is a part of life. Next time you go toe-to-toe, be prepared to win with some tried and true argument winning tactics.

Best Money Tips: Fit Fitness Into Your Schedule

Today we found some great articles on fitting fitness into your schedule, talking your way to a better raise, and getting your finances in order for 2012.

Best Money Tips: Don't Fall for These Weight Loss Gimmicks

Today we found articles on weight loss gimmicks that don’t actually work, ways to recover from holiday personal finance mistakes, and how to hire a financial team.

Best Money Tips: Hacks to Speed Up Your Browser

Today we found some great articles on hacks to speed up your browser, simple ways to build a life you enjoy, and how to become more confident.

14 Tasty and Cheap Meals for One

Dinner for one? Yes, please! Enjoy a delicious dish — and time to yourself — with these recipes specifically crafted for solo dining.

Score! How to Host a Great Game Night

If you want to have fun and socialize without dropping lots of cash, a game night is totally the answer. Here's how to make it awesome.

Handling Emotions and Money

How do you handle money mishaps and high emotions? Give us some advice, readers!

Join Our Tweetchat on Thu 2/9, 12pm Pacific for Chance to Win $200

Topic: How People Land in Debtsville. Join chat for chance to win $200 in prizes! Use #WBChat to participate!

The 5 Best Compression Sacks

Keeping your items dry from the elements isn't easy, but it can be. Use any of these compression sacks and your stuff will always be safe and protected.

Beer Donuts and 11 Other Recipes You Can Make With Beer

Beer for breakfast? Sure, when it's in a donut. Learn how to make those and lots more delicious entrees and sides, all featuring brewskis.

Do You Need a Disaster Survival Kit?

I've always thought of disaster preparedness as something for the highly paranoid or mildly insane. Current events have led me to believe in being better safe than sorry.

5 Travel Splurges That Are Worth Every Penny

Saving money on travel is important, but it shouldn't be the end goal. To enjoy the travel experiences you truly crave, there are times when it pays to splurge.