Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

10 Terrific (and Surprising) Uses for Tea

Tea is delicious in a cup. It also brines chicken, cleans glass, deodorizes closets, and so much more. Discover 10 amazing uses for tea.

Reclaiming Etiquette: Dining Basics for New Professionals

Dining etiquette is becoming a lost art. This quick tutorial will give you an edge in a tight job market and added confidence for any dining occasion.

3 Things That Always, Always Go Over-Budget

Somehow, no matter how much we plan, these three events always go over budget. Here's how to keep a lid on the spending.

10 Last-Minute Gift Ideas for Under $15

It’s that time again. Time to panic because you still have gifts to buy. Well, here are 10 last-minute ideas to help you spread cheer without getting an ulcer in the process.

5 Frugal Lessons I Learned From Aldi

Grocery store chain Aldi is my frugal idol. Learn the simple life lessons that shopping at Aldi has taught me.

5 Ways Women Are Better Investors Than Men

In general, women investors are more risk-adverse than men investors. But who earns the better returns?

What Do You Do When Negotiations Stall?

What are the best strategies when negotiations stall? How do you get past the deadlock to seal the deal?

Your Finances: 4 Emotional Decisions to Avoid

When it comes to making smart financial decisions, our emotions can be a powerful enemy.

How to Be Upwardly Mobile

Research shows that most people aren't moving past their parents' income class — but you don't have to be a statistic.

10 Signs You're No Longer a Personal Finance Rookie

Are you still trying to get ahead of the personal finance game? Well, you may be doing a whole lot better than you think.

7 Inexpensive Lifestyle Habits That Can Add Years to Your Life

These seven simple changes can add decades to your life — and many of them don't cost a penny. How's that for a return on investment?

Best Money Tips: Winter Vacation Deals on the Beach

Today we found some stellar articles on winter vacation deals on the beach, resolutions you should make this year, and how fighting can be good for your finances.

Job-Search Romance

How is a job search like a romantic adventure or misadventure? Let me count the ways: nine. If you’ve ever wondered how to tell if a company is truly interested or just isn’t into

The 5 Best Noise Canceling Headphones

Whether you work in a busy office, travel a lot, or just love listening to music, these headphones deliver spectacular audio quality and minimize distractions.

6 Ways to Save On Baggage Fees

We've all got baggage. Stop being charged for it!

7 Ways to Generate New Leads for Your Side Business

If you want to start earning good side income, it doesn't make sense to invest money in traditional marketing efforts right away. Here are 7 cheap or free ways you can use to

A Frugal Resource: The Community College

One of my favorite frugal resources is the community college. Even though I’ve taken several classes at my local college, I’ve barely tapped into the depth of resources available n

Banish Stress: Easy Ways to Get Calm Now and Forever

The pressure's on! Learn how to relax and stay calm at crunchtime, and learn how to manage stress over the long haul to make crunchtime less frequent and intense.

Does A Dollar Buy What it Did a Year Ago? (Answer to win $10)

Does a dollar buy the same things it did a year ago? Share your experiences to be entered to win $10 in our Trivia Tuesday giveaway!

You Are Too Busy: Stop!

When you're really busy — too busy — everything suffers, including your health and your family life. Slow down so you can keep going.