Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

The Senior Resume for High School Students

Resumes aren't just useful for job seekers — they're also great for college-bound students. Learn (and why!) to build a resume for a high schooler.

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 5/28, 12pm Pacific for a Chance to Win Prizes

Topic: Saving on Graduation Season! Join our conversation for chance to win Amazon gift cards! Use #WBChat to participate!

Customer Service Nightmares - What's a Good Consumerist to Do?

Customer-oriented blogsite Consumerist lets jilted shoppers rant about the companies that have done them wrong.

8 Reasons Why Your Retirement Cost Calculations May Be Wrong

How are you calculating your retirement savings? Consider some often overlooked expenses — and savings — the next time you add it up.

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 1/18, 12pm PST for a Chance to Win $300 in Prizes!

Topic: What #StateofCredit are you in? Join our conversation with Experian for a chance to win $300 in Amazon gift cards! Use #WBChat and #StateofCredit to participate!

Packing it in - The Independent of London issues a challenge

The Compact is giving up all new purchases in a year, bar food and medicine, to save the environment.

7 Double Uses for Things in Your Makeup Drawer

Good news, makeup addicts — your favorite products aren't just one-trick ponies! Check out these clever double uses for your everyday beauty items.

Behind the Times - I learn about Keep the Change

Bank of America's Keep the Change program is the modern solution to a change jar. Are you saving your pennies?

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 6/11, 12pm Pacific for a Chance to Win Prizes

Topic: Summer Travel on the Cheap! Join our conversation for chance to win Amazon gift cards! Use #WBChat to participate!

Cheap Condoms: Spread the Love, and Only the Love

Protect yourself and your sweetheart this Valentine's Day. Here's where to find condoms for next to nothing.

15 Great Brand Name Beauty Buys Under $10

Putting on a prettier face shouldn't wipe out your budget. Get your glam on a shoestring with these stellar beauty buys — all under $10!

How to Use British Airways Points on U.S. Flights

Believe it or not, you can put those British Airways points to good use on U.S. flights.

25 tips from the frugally insane.

These frugal moves may be extreme, but they're good for a laugh!

Best Money Tips: Saving Money at the Gas Pump

Today we found some great articles on saving money at the gas pump, grocery shopping smart, and ways to save money while skiing.

7 States With the Lowest Taxes for Retirees

Why deal with burdensome taxes in your golden years? Make one of these tax-lenient states your new home base in retirement.

6 Free Self-Care Rituals to Get You Through a Long Winter

When the weather outside is frightful, these free and easy self-care acts are cozy and delightful.

Lock bumping - your home isn't safe

I heard about lock bumping last month from a friend. I figured it was all just a bunch of hokum. But I checked it out. It's not a myth, it's not an urban legend. Crooks can make a generic key to open any lock, including yours. And it's easy. [more]

Ponder it: to budget or not to budget

Some of us need or want a budget, some of us don't. Here are some tips for deciding which category you're in. [more]

5 Ways to Cash in on Romantic Gifts From Exes

Don't let that old jewelry from your horrible ex collect dust when it could be making you some cold, hard cash.

Malaria-Resistant Mosquito: Frugal Research or Future Pox?

File this one under "Wow, that's a great idea... or is it?" Scientists at Johns Hopkins University have developed a mosquito containing a gene that makes it resistant to the malaria virus. [more]