Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

8 Times Cash Is Not King

Cash is super if you're 12 years old and want to go to the movies. But for the rest of us, the less cash, the better.

Gift-Giving Ideas That Can Change Lives

Giving a gift that doesn't suck is not easy. Instead of focusing on the same old gift ideas, how about trying something that has the potential to change the person's life? It can b

Best Money Tips: Stay Motivated While Looking for Jobs

Today we found some stellar articles on staying motivated while looking for jobs, personal finance tips from Captain America, and the 30-second habit with a lifelong impact.

Why a Lousy Job Can Lead to a Bright Future

In the past couple of months, two clients have landed great jobs in the midst of the worst employment climate in decades. The secret to their successes, I believe, were delivering

Would You Pay? The Brave New World of Online Music

There's a new idea on the horizon to get people to pay for the music they download. The gist is pretty simple--make listening to and downloading music into a game, like Foursqua

Are You Listening to TED?

Do you know TED? Have you heard the name? No, this is not a reference to the United airline, or my crazy uncle. This TED is devoted to technology, entertainment and design. TED

Best Money Tips: Savvy Shopper's Guide to the Farmer's Market

Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup. Today, we give you tips and tricks for saving big at t

Best Money Tips: How to Host a Stress-Free Super Bowl Party

Today we found articles on ways to host a stress-free Super Bowl party, solutions to everyday work problems, and a new tool that tells you how your state and local taxes are spent.

8 Ways to Save Money on Entertainment

Sure, times are tough, but that doesn't mean you can't have a little fun. Here are eight ideas that will allow you to enjoy some entertainment and save money, too.

The One Word You Need to Get Rid of for a Better Life

Research proves it — removing this one word from your vocabulary can change your life.

Want to Cut Costs on Your Next Vacation? Go Green

Greener travel shaves costs and it brings tourists closer than ever to their destination. Lighten your carbon footprint with these simple steps.

15 Rookie Mistakes New Bosses Make

You did it: You're the boss. The big cheese. Numero uno. However, don't get too comfy and make these rookie mistakes.

10 Insane, Life-Affirming, and Cheap Things You Must Do Before You Die

You don't have to be rich to live a life of adventure. Get out there and start living!

Best Money Tips: Websites That Will Save You Tons of Money

Today we found some stellar articles on websites that will save you money, fixing your finances, and tips to rule your tech.

Best Money Tips: The Entertainment Edition

Today we are featuring some of the most interesting articles from around the web about saving on entertainment!

Best Money Tips: Can You Afford That House?

Today, we share handy advice to help you figure out you can afford your dream house, fun ideas for gifts in a jar, and ways to keep your poinsettias beautiful through the season.

Best Money Tips: Save Money on Beer

Today we found some fantastic articles on saving money on beer, inexpensive date ideas, and saving more on dental care.

How to Really Save Money When You Shop

There is a great way to save money when you make a purchase, but it has nothing to do with store sales or having a coupon.

Train Now for a Summertime Family Cycling Trip

The days might still be cold and the evenings dark, but winter is the best time to start getting ready for a summer cycling vacation with your family.

3 Snow-Day Recipes to Help You Weather the Storm

Stuck close to home because of the snow? Break your cabin fever with these filling, feel-good recipes that all use ingredients you likely have on-hand.