Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Can You Survive with One Car in Suburbia?

Do you live in suburbia? It seems everyone who does has two (or more) cars in their driveway. Is it a necessity for everyone, though? Is it possible to lead a one-car lifestyle whi

Can cheap AppleCare on eBay be trusted?

Getting peace-of-mind protection for your Mac or iPod for less — in some cases over $150 less — looks tempting. But is it for real? Read on and find out.

This Simple Journal May be the Fix for Your Finances

With an X here and an O there, your personal finance bullet journal can put you on the fast track to budgeting mastery.

20 Delicious Ways to Use Pineapple

Tough on the outside, sweet on the inside, delicious pineapple adds a tropical touch to dishes sweet and savory.

Ask the Readers: Best Purchase of Your Life? (Chance to win $100)

Share your "best purchase" story for a chance to win $50 Amazon GC.

How to Protect Yourself From Predatory Lending

"No credit? No problem!" At least, that's what a predatory lender might want you to think.

Party Like It's 19.99: The Psychology of Pricing

Does the store you're shopping at want to be seen as a bargain? A purveyor of luxury goods? A renegade? The answer is in the last two digits of the price.

Best Money Tips: The Worst Bad Habits to Have

Today we found some great articles on the worst bad habits to have, side hustle money mistakes, and rules for holiday tipping.

A Denim Expert Reveals Why You Only Need 3 Pairs of Jeans

By following a simple routine, you can have denim jeans for every occasion and task, and you only have to buy a single pair per year.

12 Travel Perks You Didn't Know Your Credit Card Had

The credit card market is competitive, pushing purveyors of plastic payment to provide a plethora of perks. It pays to peruse your fine print!

25 Frugal Items for Your Organic Vegan Grocery List

It's easy to spend a lot when going vegan or vegetarian. But by shopping smarter and choosing the right pantry items, a healthy diet doesn't have to be harmful to your wallet.

11 Ways to Make Money on Thanksgiving

While you're waiting for that turkey to roast, why not make a little extra cash?

Hiring the Best: Go Beyond Asking Questions in an Interview

The next time you hire a new employee, skip the interview and play chess instead.

Credit Card Churning and Why It's Not Worth It

Is credit card churning worth it?

25 Great, Cheap, and Easy Crock Pot Recipes

A crock pot can be your key to a fast and delicious dinner. These 25 recipes are simple, cost little, and, most importantly, taste great.

5 Clever Tax Shelters Anyone Can Use

Reduce your tax burden by brushing up on some easy ways to reduce your taxes. It's simpler than you think.

Best Money Tips: Free (or Cheap) Fall Fun for Families

Today we found some fantastic articles on free or cheap fall fun for families, scoring free money from airlines, and ways to make next year's taxes easier.

20 Great Uses for a Bandana

From survival first aid to home decor, a colorful, inexpensive bandana is as versatile as it is cheap. Learn more about what a square of cotton cloth can do.

9 Essential Personal Finance Skills to Teach Your Kid Before They Move Out

Your child is ready to leave the nest. Have you armed them with the right money skills they need to flourish?

Here's Everything You Need to Get Started With Bitcoin

Bitcoin is not quite as hot as it once was, but it's still traded and used. Now that prices are more modest, are you ready to test the popular cryptocurrency?