Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

The 10 Most Low Effort Ways to Save Money Ever

Saving more money is easy once you set your mind to it. Start doing so with these simple savings strategies.

Beware of the Phrase "We Can Cut Your Debt In Half!"

Debt settlement agencies claim they can cut your debt in half. But sometimes they don't follow through on their promises...and can even make things worse.

7 Homemade Pet Products That Are Cheaper and Better Than Store Bought

Save money and keep your pets healthy and happy with pet gear you make at home for cheaper.

Make Smarter Investments by Mastering This Simple Ratio

Do you know how to read a P/E ratio? If not, it's time to add this key investing metric to your lexicon.

10 Great Gifts for Teachers

No more apples, mugs, or other unwanted gifts. This year, consider one of these 10 frugal winners, all suggested by teachers.

Are You in the Wrong Career? Here's How to Tell

Get help choosing or changing a career with this collection of life-altering online tools and databases.

How a Credit Card Cash Advance Costs You More Than a Purchase

The convenience of cash advance comes at a cost. Usually, a pretty steep one.

Back the Truck Up: How to Avoid Car Repair Rip-Offs

When your car is broken, don't get taken for a ride. Instead, learn how to make sure you're getting quality car repairs for as little money as possible.

15 Easy Fall Pizzas

Abundant autumn vegetables (and fruits) are just appearing on grocer's shelves, just in time for easy, delicious Fall pizza.

The 6 Companies With the Best Customer Service

Sure, business is in it for the money. That's why it's so nice to hear about a company going above and beyond to satisfy a customer — like these.

39 Mindless Ways You're Wasting Money in Every Part of Your Life

There are so many ways you're probably wasting money — without even realizing it.

The Garden as Classroom

Our family garden produced more than just vegetables; it was a classroom for my brother and me, where we learned about everything from hard work to finances.

Best Money Tips: 10 Products You Need for Financial Security

Today we found articles on products need to be financially secure, energy conservation myths you should ignore, and things you can do in the day to sleep better at night.

5 Theme Menus for a Merrier Holiday Meal

From southern comfort to old-world classics, these atypical theme menus will have your guests falling on their knees and hearing angels' voices.

73 Easy Ways to Save Money Today

Accelerate your debt retirement by redirecting current spending to repaying old bills. Lots of little savings here and there add up fast!

How to Handle a Massive Medical Bill

Surprise medical bills can torpedo even the most well-planned budget. These simple steps help minimize the financial pain.

6 Ways to Put Your 2011 Payroll Tax Break to Work

Americans will be paying 2% less on their payroll taxes in 2011. Instead of wasting that cash, use one or more of these ideas to make the most of your "bonus."

6 Inspiring Quotes About Money From Successful Women

Use these inspiring words of wisdom from female finance pros to boost your bottom line.

People Who Love Their Bodies Never Do These 17 Things — Do You?

Poor health habits may indicate a lack of self-confidence — and they may contribute to it. End these habits and start feeling better inside and out.

Best Money Tips: How to Improve Your Internal Clock

Today, we share tips to help you fine-tune your inner clock, load your dishwasher the right way, and make great brown-bag lunches every day.