Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Best Money Tips: Working Out During the Holidays

Today we found some great articles on working out during the holidays, kicking bad habits to the curb, and teaching kids about giving back.

10 Ways to Get a Good Workout... Even With Kids Around

Looking after little kids often means failing to lookout for yourself. Combine child care with quick workouts you can do almost anywhere.

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 12/14 at 12pm PST/3pm EST for a Chance to Win $200 in Prizes!

Topic: Becoming an Automatic Millionaire! Join our conversation with David Bach for chance to win $200 in Amazon gift cards! Use #WBChat and #Finish Rich to participate!

4 Ways to Treat Your Customers Like People

Your customers are people, too. So treat them that way!

Best Money Tips: Save Money on Pet Supplies

Today we found some awesome articles on saving money on pet supplies, how to make or save money with unwanted gifts, and New Year's resolutions.

How To Keep Your Business Headed In The Right Direction

If you don't know where you're going, you aren't going anywhere.

Get More for Your Old Treadmill by Bartering

If you have exercise equipment you're thinking of selling, hold up — you might be able to get more value for it by bartering.

Buying Virtual Cats Might Be the Future of Investing

What happens when you combine cute kitties with an addictive game? The hottest new investment trend.

4 Common Investment Mistakes With First-Time Profits

Getting a startup to profitability is cause for celebration. But it's no time to lose focus on the bottom line.

Suze Orman's Approved Card Gets Mixed Reviews and Controversy

Suze's new debit card stirred up controversy when she called a critic an "idiot." Are you stupid for not using this card?

How to Communicate Effectively

In the age of too much communication, getting your voice heard means keeping your messages clear, simple and direct.

Why Brand Image Is Important to the Tiniest of Businesses

Many small business owners overlook -- or avoid -- brand building. Too often, that's a critical mistake.

Best Money Tips: Financial Tips for Families

Today we found some great articles on financial tips for families, how to negotiate rent in your current apartment, and tips for packing work lunches.

3 Simple Tips for Saving the Most Money This Holiday

There's only three things you need to know to save this holiday season.

Best Money Tips: Ways to Give More to Charity in 2018

Today we found articles on ways to give more in 2018, effective ways to stretch your meal money, and how to decide if something is worth fixing.

Best Money Tips: Creative Travel Tips You Haven't Thought Of

Today we found some great articles on creative travel tips you probably haven't thought of, how to host a big party on a small budget, and natural solutions to stay bug-free.

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 1/18, 12pm PST for a Chance to Win $300 in Prizes!

Topic: What #StateofCredit are you in? Join our conversation with Experian for a chance to win $300 in Amazon gift cards! Use #WBChat and #StateofCredit to participate!

For all you Readers out there

Attention, bookworks! We've got something for you — DailyLit brings free snippets of fiction to your e-mail, daily.

Keith Knight of the K Chronicles - Keepin' Kool on the Cheap

Keith Knight, award-winning creator of the K Chronicles and (th)ink, dishes on a life of frugality.

5 Things to Do Before Your First Day at a New Job

You got the job, so why're you so nervous? Quell those first-day-of-work jitters by looking sharp and being prepared for what comes next.