Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Take the Long View When Negotiating with Your Vendors

For many businesses, the prices your vendors ask can make or break you. And even if price is no object, your vendors' abilities to deliver products or services on time, while av

What Should You Pay Yourself?

How much should you be earning from your business? Legal, financial, and tax considerations will affect the answer.

Squeeze More Cash Out of Your Business

When times are tough, finding ways to squeeze cash out of your business may mean the difference between survival and failure. Here are a few ideas to stimulate your cash flow.

Paying Your Attorney: What’s Tax Deductible?

Not all legal fees are immediately tax deductible. The tax treatment of legal fees usually depends on what you incur them for.

Why You Should Do Less to Grow Your Business

Here are some tips on how to use the minimum viable product approach with your own business.

Why You Should Forget the Word Scalable

Perhaps it's time for more entrepreneurs to enjoy the unique rewards of keeping a business small.

Affiliate Marketing, the IRS and You

If you're running an affiliate marketing program to boost your sales, be sure you're complying with IRS reporting requirements.