Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

How the Sandwich Generation Can Protect Their Retirement

Being part of the sandwich generation isn't easy, and it can take a real toll on your retirement fund. Here's how to protect it.

How a Credit Card Can Actually Help You Get Out of Debt

Is paying off debt with a credit card ever a good idea? In some cases, yes.

Ask Readers: What Gift Do You Want Most This Holiday Season?

Tell us what gift you want the most this holiday season and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

How to Protect Yourself From Credit Card Theft

Don't let a scammer get a hold of your credit card number. Here's how to keep your account secure.

How to Make Better Financial Decisions

Focusing all your efforts into reaching one financial goal is a fairly straightforward process. But what about when you have more than one financial goal? This guide will help.

Are You Stealing From Your Photographer?

We've removed this article from our archives. We have great respect for photographers and their work. We do not endorse reprinting copyrighted photographs even for personal u

Ask The Readers: Do You Have a Financial Advisor?

Tell us whether or not you have a financial advisor and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Ask the Readers: What Are You Most Looking Forward to in 2012?

Tell us about what you are most looking forward to in 2012 and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Should You Pay Your Kids For Good Grades?

Have you ever considered rewarding your kids' good grades with money? Or is that a terrible idea? Let's discuss.

Someone Took Out a Loan in Your Name. Now What?

A fraudulent loan can have dire consequences for your personal finances. Here's how you can fix the problem, stat.

Is Six Figures Really That Much?

Nowadays, six figures is still above average, but its buying power in terms of lifestyle may have eroded even more than the value of a dollar, as those of us within striking distan

5 Common Budget Mistakes You Can Fix Right Now

We all make mistakes. These budget blunders are easy to correct with a few simple adjustments.

The Pros and Cons of Paying Cash for a House

Just like any financial decision, there are pros and cons to paying cash for a house.

9 Smart Home-Buying Tips From Real Estate Experts

If you're in the market for a new home, use these smart home-buying tips from real estate experts to guide you.

How to Stay Calm During a Market Fluctuation

If you're tempted to bail on investments when you hear scary financial predictions, it's important you learn how to keep your cool.

I Just Think Things Should Work Properly too, Mr. Dyson. UPDATED 7/7/09

I don’t own a lot of stuff that’s considered top of the line. Hardly anything in fact. But I do have the “Rolls Royce” of vacuum cleaners – The Dyson DC14 Complete (well, it was to

Why You Should Use a Personal Loan to Pay Down Debt

This might seem like surprising financial advice, but you should consider paying off debt with a personal loan.

The 8 Most Eye-Opening Money Attractions in the U.S.

Make your next vacation money-themed, and check out these eight amazing attractions across the U.S.

6 Negotiation Tips for Introverts

Negotiating comes easily for some, but not all. If you're an introvert struggling to haggle, these tips will help you get what you want.

8 Truths From a Mystery Shopper You Must Read Before You Get Started

These eight tips are vital to making money in the somewhat misunderstood profession of mystery shopping.