Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

10 Ways You Disrespect Your Money

Look after your money and it'll look after you. Mistreat it, and it'll do the same to you.

Thrive as a Starving Writer--Lessons from the Experts

The web is full of advice for starving writers. And why not? Any writer has heard the advice "Write what you know," and one thing many writers know is about being a starving writer

Balancing Spending with Saving: Being Frugal but not Miserly

Take frugal too far, and we can become miserly before we even know what hit us.

Get the Job You Want With the Right Professional Image

Who are you? Make sure everybody knows your story with these keys to personal brand development.

This Is How You Stop Online Impulse Spending

Online retailers spend millions planning ways to get you to spend more on impulse buys. Take a few minutes to learn how to resist the urge.

You Can Visit Europe for a Lot Cheaper Than You Think — Here's How

A dream European vacation doesn't have to result in a nightmare for your savings account. Cut your travel costs with these simple steps.

14 of the Best Free Things to Do Abroad

Finding just one amazing free activity in a foreign city can go a long way to putting your mind at rest that you’re not over-spending.

25 Signs That You've Been at the Same Job Too Long

25 humorous, yet painful, signs that you've simply been around at the same job TOO long.

The 5 Worst Work From Home Jobs

Working from home to earn extra income is a great way to shore up the family budget. Just don't take any of these dubious "opportunities."

The 5 Best Foot Scrubbers

Keeping your feet smooth isn't easy, but it can be. Use any of these foot scrubbers and your feet will always look pampered.

8 Dark-Side Motivations to Start Saving

If the usual motivations to save aren't working (emergencies, big purchases, your future), let your dark side guide your money.

How (and Why) to Help Your Parents Pay Off Their Mortgage

Many parents find themselves saddled with a mortgage well into retirement. Learn how to help your folks pay off theirs without taking on the debt yourself.

The 5 Best Weed Trimmers

Hate having weeds muck up your beautiful lawn? Check out our picks for the top five weed trimmers and rid your home of them today.

Best Money Tips: How to Overcome Social Anxiety

Today we found articles on how to overcome social anxiety, a 5-step guide to becoming a homeowner, and easy ways to get rid of a headache.

7 Ways to Improve Your Work Reputation

In the office, talk is cheap. The walk is what counts. If you want to burnish your work rep, you've got to act the part — consistently.

6 Ways to Feel Better About Your Financial Situation

When account balances are low, it's easy to get down about our finances. There's a better way.

7 Reasons Your E-mail Pitches Are Failing

Is your email marketing really just email spam?

5 Myths About Car Insurance

Think you have to pay more for being a female driver, having a red car, or driving a pricey vehicle? Learn the real story behind these and other myths.

A Journey to Vocational Freedom: Focusing your Dreams with Goals

Instead of a how-to article, or even a "Top 10" list, I want to tell you part of my own story. I've tried to put this into a list, tried to make it into something else, and I just keep coming back to the story. [more]

5 Cool DIY Christmas Gifts for the “Under 6” Crowd

Handmade gifts are becoming cool again! Here are five gifts for smaller children that will be loved long after the season is over.