Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

How to Save on Summer Garden Flowers

Get big, beautiful blooms while sticking to a little, tiny budget with these frugal gardening tips.

5 Mind Tricks to Help You Conquer Debt

Debt is all about mind over matter. Change your way of thinking, and you'll find financial freedom sooner.

Fiverr is Giving Away $500 to Wise Bread Readers!

Don't miss your chance to win your share of $500 in prizes from Fiverr!

8 Office Mistakes Everyone Makes But Doesn't Talk About

Shake your head all you want, we know you're guilty of these office faux pas. We all are!

Charitable Giving: Give in Order to Receive

The idea of giving away what you have especially if you don't have much is a tough one to wrap your head around. But if you truly want to be rich (both literally and figu

30 Free Ways to Cheer Yourself Up

Cheer up! No matter how you feel or what is going wrong, there are lots of free ways to improve your mood and brighten your day.

Best Money Tips: Save Time and Money on Food Prep

Today we found ways to save time and money during food prep, how to grow your savings in 2016, and steps to eliminate self-doubt.

Flashback Friday: The 60 Best Ways to Use Food Other Than Eating It

Eating food is the best, but what's even better is not wasting food that's about to go bad. Here are other ways to use food, other than eating it.

Ask the Readers: What Are Your Best Back-to-School Tips?

Tell us your best back-to-school tips and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

How to find the sweet spot when buying electronics

The "sweet spot" is the ideal point where you get the highest performance (and quality) at an optimum price. It can refer to many types of goods, but electronics are of particular

Boost Your Retirement Savings Fast With This 6-Step Plan

Workers nearing retirement should a take close look at their retirement funds. With aggressive saving, there's still time to top off those accounts for a comfortable retirement.

The 5 Best Flosses

Keeping your teeth clean isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these five flosses and your chompers will sparkle.

8 All-Natural Ways to Relieve Sore Muscles

A tough workout is good for mind and body, but it doesn't always feel that way. Relieve those day-after aches and pains with these natural, effective remedies.

6 Surprising Things You Still Can't Do Online in 2016

You can do everything online, right? Not yet!

This Is How You Stop Online Impulse Spending

Online retailers spend millions planning ways to get you to spend more on impulse buys. Take a few minutes to learn how to resist the urge.

You Can Visit Europe for a Lot Cheaper Than You Think — Here's How

A dream European vacation doesn't have to result in a nightmare for your savings account. Cut your travel costs with these simple steps.

The Easiest Way to Invest in the World's Biggest Companies

You don't need thousands of dollars to buy high-priced stock — really!

Best Money Tips: Survivor's Guide to Stockpiling Food

Get tips on stockpiling food, making emergency plans to include your pets, and how to stay positive at work.

6 Time-Tested Ways to Make a Relationship Work

There is no secret to a perfect relationship — but there are some guidelines that can help make any relationship great.

The 5 Most Dangerous Things Hiding in Your Home Right Now

It's an unfortunate truth: home is where the accidents happen. Protect yourself and your family by uncovering these five hidden dangers.