Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

How to Boost Your Credit Score in Just 30 Days

If a single move could boost your credit score in a matter of weeks, you'd do it right? Here's how disputing incorrect data on your credit report can make a huge difference.

5 Ways to Keep Customer Information Safe

If you handle any part of your business online, the chances of someone gaining access to information immediately goes up. Keep customer information safe with these steps.

Retire for Half the Cost in These 5 Countries

Help your retirement funds go twice as far by retiring in one of these beautiful locales abroad. They're almost too cheap to be true!

Big Purchases You Should Make by 30, 40, and 50

Before your next milestone birthday, look at the big picture. Have the purchases you've made revealed something about who you are?

6 Secrets to Mastering the Debt Snowball

The debt snowball method really, truly works. Now, you just need to master it!

Are Starter Homes Still a Thing?

Starter homes used to be the norm. But in today's housing market, you might not need those homeowner training wheels.

No Signal? 6 Ways to Boost Your Cell Phone Reception

I have been researching and testing methods to boost my phone in case of emergencies. Here are the five methods that worked, with varying success, for me.

10 Easy Veggies to Plant This Spring

Yes, you CAN grow your own food. These easy-to-grow herbs and vegetables will thrive even if you've got the blackest of thumbs.

12 Garage Sale Items That Sell Like Hotcakes

You've finally decluttered your house. Feature these items prominently in your ads and your sale to draw the crowds — and the cash.

11 Freelance Jobs That Pay Surprisingly Well

Freelancers don't always have to struggle to pull in a decent income. Some side gigs actually pay well.

Debit Or Credit? Which One Should You Choose At The Checkout?

Debit or credit? Although the outcome seems the same, it’s a different process with different consequences.

10 Smart and Frugal Uses for Epsom Salt

Instead of buying expensive cleaners and beauty products, you can save a ton of cash if you use good old fashioned epsom salt instead.

10 Most Breathtaking Day Hikes in the U.S.

Make sure your travel bucket list includes these thrilling and majestic hiking spots across the U.S.

4 Ways a Home Energy Audit Will Save You Money

Those drafty windows and ancient appliances are costing you, big time. This is one audit you'll be happy to endure.

How to Freeze Your Credit

A credit freeze can protect you from financial scammers. Here's how they work.

Need to Sell Your House? Here's How to Let Go

Selling your home is more than just signing on a dotted line. You have to find emotional closure, too.

10 DIY Dog Toys You Can Make for Pennies

Instead of spending oodles of cash on toys your pup is only going to rip apart, make these cheap, easy, and sturdy dog toys with items you already have.

17 Part-Time Jobs to Do While Your Kids Are at School

While the kids are away, SAHMs and SAHDs can earn some extra pay!

9 Home Improvements You Should Always Negotiate

Hiring pros to tackle your biggest home improvement projects is unavoidable. What is avoidable is paying exactly what they ask.

Don't Panic: Do This If Your Identity Gets Stolen

Identity theft is a scary subject. But really, you shouldn't panic. Help is right around the corner.